Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All Lyrics Merle Haggard

Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All by Merle Haggard

I woke up with her in my arms this morning
And God knows I love her over all
As she whispered she loved me your memory appeared
Ain't your mem'ry got no pride at all.

Tonight as I lay here touching her sweet body
And the good familiar feeling I recall
As I closed my eyes to kiss her your memory appeard
Ain't your mem'ry got no pride at all.

You were here we loved now you're gone
Why can't you let bygones be bygones and stay gone
You always find the wrong time to come around and call
Ain't your mem'ry got no pride at all.

Ain't your mem'ry got no pride at all...

Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All Video

Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All Info

"Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All" is a powerful and emotional song by country music legend Merle Haggard. Released in 1977 as part of his album "Ramblin' Fever," it showcases Haggard's raw talent for storytelling and his ability to capture the complexities of love and memory.

The song's title alone is intriguing, and it immediately draws the listener in. It speaks to the idea that memories can sometimes haunt us and refuse to let go, even when we try to move on. In the song, Haggard sings about waking up with his current love, feeling content and happy, only to have the memories of a past love appear and disrupt his peace. He questions why the memory of his former love can't have any pride and let him be.

This theme of memories and their persistence resonates with many people. We all have experienced moments when memories from the past unexpectedly come flooding back, causing us to question our current happiness. It can be challenging to fully embrace the present when the past continues to haunt us. Haggard captures this struggle beautifully in his lyrics, expressing the frustration and confusion that often accompany these moments.

In terms of scriptural inspiration, the song reminds me of the Apostle Paul's words in Philippians 3:13-14, where he writes, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Paul encourages us to let go of the past, to forget what is behind and focus on what lies ahead. He recognizes that dwelling on past mistakes, regrets, or relationships can hinder our progress in our faith journey. Instead, we are called to press on, to keep moving forward. While the song speaks of memories that won't let go, it also highlights the importance of letting go and embracing the present.

It's interesting to note that Haggard was known for his deep Christian faith and often incorporated spiritual themes into his music. This song, while not explicitly religious, hints at the struggle between holding onto the past and living in the present, a theme that aligns with biblical teachings.

As with many of Haggard's songs, "Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All" is deeply personal and draws from his own experiences. It's likely that Haggard himself had moments where memories of past loves or mistakes resurfaced, causing him to question his current happiness. This vulnerability and authenticity are what made Haggard such a beloved artist, as he was able to connect with his audience on a profound level.

In conclusion, "Ain't Your Memory Got No Pride At All" is a poignant and relatable song that explores the battle between past memories and present happiness. It reminds us of the importance of letting go and embracing the present, even when memories threaten to disrupt our peace. Through its emotional lyrics and powerful storytelling, the song showcases Merle Haggard's talent and ability to capture the complexities of human emotions.
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