Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight Lyrics Merle Haggard

Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight by Merle Haggard

Let's pretend we're not married tonight
Let's go out and let's don't even fight
We'll wear our left-handed rings on the right
We'll pretend we're not married tonight

I'll pretend that your old jokes are new
We'll act crazy like we used to do
We'll stay out till the bright morning light
Let's pretend we're not married tonight

Let's leave all of our troubles behind
And let's toast to yesterday's wine
Let's stay out until it's comin' daylight
Let's pretend we're not married tonight

Let's pretend we're not married tonight
Let's go out and let's don't even fight
Wear our left-handed rings on the right
We'll pretend we're not married tonight

Let's pretend we're not married tonight
Let's go out and let's don't even fight
Wear our left-handed rings on the right
We'll pretend we're not married tonight

Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight Video

Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight Info

"Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight" is a classic country song by Merle Haggard, released as part of his album "Heart to Heart" in 1978. This lighthearted and playful tune tells the story of a married couple who decides to take a break from their daily routine and responsibilities. They want to temporarily escape the reality of their marriage and rekindle the carefree days of their courtship.

The song opens with the suggestion to pretend they are not married for the night and enjoy each other's company without the usual obligations and expectations. It expresses a desire to recapture the excitement and spontaneity of their early relationship, when every moment was filled with laughter and adventure. The lyrics encourage leaving their troubles behind and embracing a carefree attitude. It's as if they are stepping into a fantasy world where they can let loose and forget about the responsibilities and challenges that marriage often brings.

While the song may appear to be a simple and fun-loving tune on the surface, it also carries a deeper message about the importance of keeping the spark alive in a long-term relationship. It acknowledges that marriage can sometimes become routine and predictable, and it's necessary to inject a bit of excitement and novelty to keep the flame burning. By pretending not to be married, the couple is actively seeking to reignite the passion and spontaneity that may have faded over time.

In the Bible, we find verses that encourage married couples to nurture their relationship and prioritize their love for one another. Ephesians 5:25 states, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." This verse reminds us of the sacrificial love that Jesus demonstrated for the church, and it serves as a reminder for husbands to love their wives selflessly. Taking time to have fun and enjoy each other's company can be a way of expressing that love and keeping the relationship strong.

Another relevant verse is Song of Solomon 7:11-12, which says, "Come, my beloved, let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages. Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom—there I will give you my love." This passage illustrates the importance of taking time away from the busyness of life to enjoy each other's company and reconnect. It emphasizes the beauty of exploring new places and creating new memories together.

While "Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight" may not directly mention biblical themes, it resonates with the idea of intentionally investing in one's marriage and prioritizing the love and connection between spouses. The song serves as a reminder to keep the romance alive and to embrace moments of spontaneity and adventure in order to strengthen the bond between husband and wife.

In conclusion, "Let's Pretend We're Not Married Tonight" is a playful and catchy country song that encourages couples to take a break from the routine of marriage and enjoy each other's company without the weight of responsibilities. It serves as a reminder to keep the spark alive and prioritize the love and connection between spouses. While not explicitly rooted in biblical themes, the song aligns with the idea of intentionally nurturing one's marriage and investing in the relationship. So, let's take a lesson from this song and find ways to bring excitement and novelty into our marriages, creating moments that will strengthen our love and deepen our connection.
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