Sam Hill Lyrics Merle Haggard

Sam Hill by Merle Haggard

There's a certain hill outside of town called Sam Hill
And a certain guy used to go there every day
They said a certain girl lived up in Sam Hill
Aw, a pretty girl, not hep to city ways

This certain guy would come down the hill a smilin'
Headed back to town at the crack of dawn
And he had 'em all a wonderin' what he was doin'
Yeah, wonderin' what in Sam Hill's goin' on

We knew this certain guy was not a goldminer
Cause he never took a shovel or a pick
He only took a little box of candy
And disappeared in Sam Hill mighty quick

We tried to follow him to his destination
But he had a secret path and soon he was gone
And he had us all a wonderin' what he was doin'
Yeah, wonderin' what in Sam Hill's goin' on

I know that you have wondered too about Sam Hill
You've probably asked "What in Sam Hill's goin' on?"
All I can say in answer to your question
Is the goin's on are still goin' on

This certain guy's still takin' up his candy
He's 99 and all his youth is gone
But he climbs that hill and still comes down a smilin'
And we're wonderin' what in Sam Hill's goin' on
Wish I knew
What in Sam Hill's goin' on
He won't tell us'
What in Sam Hill's goin' on
He just snickers
What in Sam Hill's goin' on

Sam Hill Video

Sam Hill Info

"Sam Hill" by Merle Haggard is a country song that tells a story of a mysterious man who frequently visits a certain hill outside of town. The song piques our curiosity about what this man is doing up there and why he comes back every day with a smile on his face. It leaves us wondering, just like the townspeople in the song, what in Sam Hill's going on?

The song's lyrics paint a vivid picture of a small town where everyone knows each other's business. They are intrigued by this man's routine visits to Sam Hill and speculate about what he could possibly be doing up there. The mystery deepens when the song reveals that he carries a box of candy with him on these excursions, but no shovel or pick like a goldminer would. This detail adds an element of intrigue and leaves us even more curious about his activities.

While the song doesn't explicitly reference any scripture verses, it does touch on themes of curiosity, wonder, and the unknown. It reminds us of the human tendency to question and seek answers. In the Bible, we see examples of people grappling with similar questions and seeking understanding.

For instance, in Proverbs 25:2, it says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings." This verse reminds us that there are things in life that may remain hidden or unknown to us, and our role is to search and seek understanding. The townspeople in the song are like "kings" in this sense, trying to uncover the mystery of Sam Hill.

Another verse that comes to mind is Ecclesiastes 3:11 which says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." This verse speaks to the mystery and incomprehensibility of God's ways. Just like the townspeople in the song, we are left wondering and searching for answers, but ultimately, there are some things that we may never fully understand.

In a broader sense, "Sam Hill" can also be seen as a metaphor for the mysteries of life and the human condition. We all have our own versions of Sam Hill, those aspects of our lives that leave us wondering and searching for meaning. It could be a personal struggle, a difficult relationship, or a challenging circumstance. The song reminds us that sometimes, despite our best efforts, we may never fully unravel these mysteries.

"Sam Hill" is a catchy country tune that captures our imagination and leaves us with more questions than answers. It speaks to our innate curiosity and the human desire to understand the unknown. While it may not directly reference scripture, it touches on themes of seeking understanding and grappling with life's mysteries, echoing the sentiments found in various verses throughout the Bible. So next time you find yourself pondering the enigmatic aspects of your own life, just remember that you're not alone in wondering, "What in Sam Hill's going on?"
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