How's Your Head? Lyrics Third Day

How's Your Head? by Third Day

How's your head? I'm so sorry
That I can't do anything about it
Like I said, I'll be praying
Here without you I feel helpless

Sorry I had to go away
Tomorrow's just another day
without you here, I'll have to say
Hold on to love

How's your day? Do you miss me?
Right now I've only a minute
Called to say, I'm so sorry
And once again I feel helpless

God forbid we'd be apart
How close or shall I ask how far
are we until the demise of this helplessness

How's Your Head? Video

How's Your Head? Info

The song "How's Your Head?" by Third Day is a heartfelt and emotional track that explores the feelings of helplessness and longing when separated from a loved one. The lyrics convey a sense of concern and empathy, as the singer expresses their regret for not being able to do anything about the situation. The song's title serves as a metaphor for the state of mind and emotional well-being of the person they are singing to.

The lyrics of the song touch upon themes of prayer and relying on God's strength during times of separation and difficulty. The line, "Like I said, I'll be praying, here without you I feel helpless," shows the singer's commitment to seeking God's guidance and comfort in the absence of their loved one. This resonates with the biblical principle of turning to God in prayer and finding strength in Him during challenging times.

In James 5:16, it says, "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." This verse highlights the power of prayer and the importance of interceding for one another. The singer's promise to pray for the person they are separated from reflects their desire for healing and restoration in their relationship.

The song also expresses a longing for the presence of the loved one, as the singer asks, "How's your day? Do you miss me?" This sentiment echoes the yearning for connection and companionship found in the Bible. In Genesis 2:18, God says, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." This verse emphasizes the importance of human relationships and the deep longing for companionship.

The song's chorus repeats the phrase, "Hold on to love," which serves as a reminder to cling to the love that binds the singer and their loved one together. This echoes the biblical command to love one another unconditionally. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, it says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." This verse emphasizes the enduring nature of love and the importance of holding onto it, even in the face of separation and challenges.

Overall, "How's Your Head?" by Third Day is a poignant and relatable song that explores the feelings of helplessness and longing when separated from a loved one. The lyrics draw inspiration from biblical principles of prayer, love, and reliance on God's strength. It serves as a reminder to trust in God's guidance and to hold onto love, even in difficult times.
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