All I Need To Say Lyrics Michael W. Smith

All I Need To Say by Michael W. Smith

Sad goodbye
Never quite got said
Now the time is gone
We're movin' on
Even though it hurts so bad
If I could I'd turn back the days
And I'd love again
To be your friend
In a hundred different ways
But we can't turn back the time
The days

So if I never said
All I needed to say
I'll say it now
You know I loved you once
I love you stronger today
Please love find me a way
Words I still need to say
But I don't know how

Can't stand still
Still I can't move on
Lord I need Your strength
Need You in me
'Cause a part of me is gone
In time I will know
What I've yet to see
That through all the pain
You hurt the same
And you're standing here with me
And more than anything it's You I need


All I Need To Say Video

All I Need To Say Info

"All I Need To Say" is a heartfelt song by Christian artist Michael W. Smith that captures the emotions of regret and longing for a lost relationship. The lyrics express the sadness of a goodbye that was never properly said, leaving lingering feelings of unfinished business and a desire to make amends.

The song begins with the acknowledgment of a missed opportunity to express love and say goodbye, leaving a sense of emptiness and pain. The chorus emphasizes the need to say what was left unsaid, even if it may be too late. The lyrics convey a yearning to go back in time and have the chance to be a friend and love again. It is a plea for a second chance to make things right.

In the verses, Smith reflects on the difficulty of moving on from the pain of the lost relationship. He recognizes the need for God's strength to heal and provide guidance in the midst of the pain. The lyrics convey a sense of hope that through the pain, there is still love and a desire to find a way to express it. It speaks to the human longing for reconciliation and the power of love to overcome hurt and brokenness.

The song's theme resonates with several scripture verses that speak to the importance of expressing love and forgiveness. One verse that comes to mind is Ephesians 4:26 which says, "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger." This verse reminds us of the urgency of resolving conflicts and expressing love before it's too late. It encourages us to address our emotions and communicate with others in a timely manner, ensuring that we don't carry unresolved feelings with us.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Matthew 5:23-24 which says, "So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." This verse emphasizes the importance of reconciliation and making amends with others before coming to God in worship. It speaks to the need to address broken relationships and seek forgiveness, even if it means setting aside our own desires or pride.

"All I Need To Say" is just one of the many powerful songs in Michael W. Smith's extensive discography. Known for his heartfelt and honest lyrics, Smith has touched the hearts of many with his music. His songs often explore themes of faith, love, and the human experience, resonating with listeners who may be going through similar struggles.

In conclusion, "All I Need To Say" is a poignant song that captures the emotions of regret and longing for a lost relationship. Its heartfelt lyrics express the desire to make amends and express love before it's too late. The song's theme aligns with biblical principles of reconciliation and forgiveness, emphasizing the importance of addressing conflicts and expressing love in a timely manner. Michael W. Smith's music continues to inspire and uplift listeners, touching their hearts with his poignant lyrics and powerful melodies.
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