"Breathe In Me" by Michael W. Smith is a powerful worship song that speaks to the deep longing within our souls for the presence of God. With its heartfelt lyrics and melodic tune, the song resonates with listeners and draws them into a place of surrender and renewal.
The song opens with the line, "You breathe in me, and I'm alive, with the power of your holiness." This imagery of God breathing life into us is reminiscent of the creation account in Genesis, where God breathes life into Adam, making him a living being. It reminds us that it is only through the breath of God that we truly come alive, both physically and spiritually. We are dependent on Him for our very existence.
As the verse continues, it speaks of God reviving feelings in our souls that we have laid to rest. This speaks to the transformative power of God's presence in our lives. When we invite Him in, He can awaken dormant emotions, heal past hurts, and bring us into a place of wholeness. It is through His breath that we find restoration and renewal.
The chorus of the song repeats the plea for God to breathe in us. It acknowledges our need for Him and the emptiness we feel without His presence. The lyrics express a sense of desperation, as if the singer is crying out for God to breathe new life into their weary soul. It is a cry for revival, for a fresh touch from God that will bring about transformation.
Throughout the song, there is an underlying theme of surrender and dependence on God. The lyrics acknowledge that we have become calloused and jaded, but it is only through God's breath that we can find healing and restoration. This echoes the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30, where He invites us to come to Him with our burdens and find rest. It is in surrendering to His will and allowing Him to breathe into our lives that we find true peace and fulfillment.
"Breathe In Me" is a song that invites us into a place of vulnerability and openness before God. It encourages us to lay down our pride and self-sufficiency and acknowledge our need for Him. It is a song of surrender, as we recognize that it is only through His breath that we can truly live.
The inspiration behind the song comes from Michael W. Smith's desire to lead others into a place of worship and encounter with God. It is a reflection of his own journey of faith and his understanding of the transformative power of God's presence. Through this song, he seeks to create an atmosphere where listeners can experience the breath of God and be changed in His presence.
In conclusion, "Breathe In Me" by Michael W. Smith is a beautiful worship song that speaks to the longing within our souls for the presence of God. Its heartfelt lyrics and melodic tune draw us into a place of surrender and renewal. It reminds us of our dependence on God for life and breath, and invites us to lay down our burdens and find rest in His presence. May we all open our hearts and invite God to breathe new life into us as we worship Him through this powerful song.