Pour My Love On You Lyrics Juanita Bynum

Pour My Love On You by Juanita Bynum

Like oil upon your feet
Like wine for you to drink
Like water from my heart
I pour my love on you
If praise was like perfume
I'll lavish mine on you
Till every drop is gone
I'll pour my love on you

Pour My Love On You Video

Pour My Love On You Info

"Pour My Love On You" by Juanita Bynum is a beautiful and heartfelt song that expresses a deep desire to worship and pour out love on God. The song is filled with imagery and symbolism that captures the essence of surrendering everything to God and offering Him our utmost devotion.

The lyrics of the song compare the act of pouring love on God to different substances: oil, wine, and water. These substances have significant meanings in the Bible and are often used to symbolize anointing, joy, and spiritual cleansing.

When the song says, "Like oil upon your feet," it is reminiscent of the story in Luke 7:36-50 where a sinful woman pours expensive oil on Jesus' feet as an act of worship and repentance. This act of pouring oil on Jesus' feet was a sign of her complete surrender and submission to Him. In the same way, the song reflects the desire to pour out love on God in a similar manner, acknowledging His worthiness and authority.

The mention of wine in the song brings to mind the concept of celebration and joy. In the Bible, wine is often associated with celebration and the outpouring of God's blessings. Psalm 104:15 says, "And wine that makes glad the heart of man." The song suggests that pouring love on God is an act of celebration, rejoicing in His goodness, and finding joy in His presence.

Water is also used in the song as a symbol of purification and cleansing. In John 4:14, Jesus describes Himself as the living water that quenches our thirst and satisfies our deepest longings. Just as water cleanses and refreshes, pouring love on God is an act of surrendering our impurities and allowing Him to cleanse us, renew us, and satisfy our souls.

The song also mentions the idea of praise being like perfume. This analogy draws from the story of Mary of Bethany in John 12:1-8, where she anoints Jesus with costly perfume as an act of worship and gratitude. The fragrance of the perfume filled the room, symbolizing the sweet aroma of heartfelt worship. In the same way, the song suggests that when we pour our love on God, it becomes a fragrant offering, a beautiful and pleasing worship unto Him.

The inspiration behind "Pour My Love On You" comes from a deep desire to express wholehearted devotion to God. It encourages believers to pour out their love on God, not holding anything back, but giving Him their best. It reminds us that worship is not just about singing songs but about offering our whole selves to God in adoration and surrender.

The song's melodic and soul-stirring composition, combined with Juanita Bynum's powerful vocals, creates an atmosphere of intimacy and reverence. It invites listeners to join in the experience of pouring their love on God and encountering His presence in a profound way.

In conclusion, "Pour My Love On You" by Juanita Bynum is a soulful and passionate song that captures the heart of worship and devotion. Through the use of powerful imagery and symbolism, the song encourages believers to pour out their love on God, surrendering everything to Him and finding joy, purification, and celebration in His presence. It serves as a reminder of the importance of offering our utmost devotion to God and finding fulfillment in His love.
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