Soul Cry (Oh, Oh, Oh) Lyrics Juanita Bynum

Soul Cry (Oh, Oh, Oh) by Juanita Bynum

Whatcha' gonna do
When you don't know who to turn to
And whatcha' gonna say
When you don't know what to pray

And where you're gonna run
When you don't know where to hide
And whatcha' gonna do
When the pain just won't subside

I say oh, oh, oh, oh
My soul is crying out
I'm saying oh, oh, oh, oh

When my heart is feeling really really low
I'm crying, oh, oh, oh, oh
When I don't know where to go
I'm crying, oh, oh, oh, oh

That's my soul crying out
Yeah, yeah, yeah
That's my soul crying out
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Soul Cry (Oh, Oh, Oh) Video

Soul Cry (Oh, Oh, Oh) Info

"Soul Cry (Oh, Oh, Oh)" by Juanita Bynum is a powerful song that captures the deep emotions and struggles of the human soul. With its soulful melody and heartfelt lyrics, the song resonates with listeners who have experienced pain, uncertainty, and the need for spiritual guidance.

The song begins with a question: "Whatcha' gonna do when you don't know who to turn to?" This line immediately grabs the listener's attention, as it speaks to a universal experience of feeling lost and unsure of where to go for help. It acknowledges that there are times in life when we don't have all the answers and need divine intervention.

As the song continues, it asks, "And whatcha' gonna say when you don't know what to pray?" This line highlights the struggle many people face when they feel overwhelmed and unable to find the right words to express their deepest needs and desires to God. It reflects a sense of vulnerability and the need for God's guidance in our prayers.

The lyrics also touch on the feeling of being trapped and not knowing where to run or hide. It acknowledges that there are moments when we feel completely overwhelmed by our circumstances and don't know how to escape the pain. This sentiment is captured in the line, "And whatcha' gonna do when the pain just won't subside?" It speaks to the longing for relief and the cry for help that comes from the depths of our souls.

Throughout the song, Juanita Bynum's soulful vocals convey the raw emotion and desperation that often accompanies a soul cry. The repetition of the phrase "oh, oh, oh" emphasizes the intensity of the cry and serves as a reminder that God hears our deepest longings and desires.

In terms of the scriptural significance of the song, several verses come to mind. Romans 8:26 says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." This verse echoes the sentiment expressed in the song about not knowing what to pray and the need for the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 34:17-18, which says, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse reminds us that God is near to those who are hurting and that He hears our cries for help.

In conclusion, "Soul Cry (Oh, Oh, Oh)" by Juanita Bynum is a powerful song that captures the deep emotions and struggles of the human soul. Its heartfelt lyrics and soulful melody resonate with listeners who have experienced pain, uncertainty, and the need for spiritual guidance. The song reminds us that it's okay to cry out to God in our times of need and that He is always there to listen and provide comfort.
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