Rose Lyrics Da' T.R.U.T.H.

Rose by Da' T.R.U.T.H.

Soft as the open air
As gentle as the common breeze
Is the beauty of the crimson rose
God has made you to be

Planted in the garden of life
By the King of Kings
And watered by His everlasting love

Each petal gently kissed by God
And enlightened by heaven's face
Forever surrounded by heaven's soil
And growing in heaven's amazing grace

She's just a rose
She's just a rose
Because He rose
Because He rose

[Verse 1:]
I pray for my daughter—I pray for her soul
I pray that she remembers everything that I taught her
Even more than cherishing anything I bought her
I pray to God that she would never get caught up

With the wrong crowd every flower needs water
'Cause for every seed sown, another weed is growin'
So I gotta pour that water deep into her soul
The water is the word, therefore she's gotta know

That she's so beautiful—yet beauty is vain
And holiness is the only beauty that remains
I know that remains to be seen and so I'm prayin'
That she would stay pure even at a young age

She's just eight so it's only the front page
In the story of her life, therefore she's unscathed
But as she grows older, gotta let her hand go
Tell her look both ways before she walks across the road

She's a rose


[Verse 2:]
I praise God for my wife—oh how I love her
People on the road wanna know how I met her
Mutual friend—It was summer of '97
At a singles' fellowship—yes, we exchanged numbers

Fast-forward something like five years
When I realized this woman was everything I wasn't
We transitioned from friends became lovers
In 2002, is when I became husband

Now she's wife—she's my rose
If she's a rose, then I'll take a dozen—dozen
She's every woman, when I come home hungry
There's food in the oven

She's in the ministry—nourishing the women at the church house
Wife—one day she'll be a mother
She's beautiful but it's deeper then the skin
'Cause her true beauty stems from being rooted in Him

She's a rose


[Verse 3:]
One petal, two petals, three petals, four
Every time she's impure another petal hits the floor
For this reason her self image is poor
Overcome by depression therefore she's insecure

But she can exchange her pain for His joy
And her God can give her strength if ever she does mourn
If she mourns—she mourns; Her God can restore her
She can't look inside herself and expect to find a cure

All of us got dirt deep down at the core
And I know nobody's perfect, every rose has got thorns
Except Christ was perfect—He was sown into the soil
Now she's rooted in the power of the resurrected Lord


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Rose Info

"Rose" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. is a powerful and inspiring song that uses the metaphor of a rose to convey messages about beauty, purity, and the importance of staying rooted in God's love. The lyrics tell a story of a father praying for his daughter's well-being, a husband praising his wife's beauty and strength, and a reminder that every person is like a rose, uniquely beautiful and precious in God's eyes.

The song begins with the image of a rose being planted in the garden of life by the King of Kings and watered by His love. This reminds us of the biblical truth found in Psalm 139:13-14, which says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Each petal of the rose is said to be gently kissed by God and enlightened by heaven's face, symbolizing the divine care and attention given to each individual.

The first verse focuses on the father's prayer for his daughter, emphasizing the importance of instilling godly values and wisdom in her life. He prays that she will stay pure and make wise choices, knowing that true beauty comes from holiness. This aligns with Proverbs 31:30, which states, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

In the second verse, the focus shifts to the husband's praise for his wife. He expresses his love and admiration for her, recognizing her as a beautiful rose in his life. He acknowledges her role in the ministry and her nurturing nature, comparing her to a rose that provides sustenance and beauty. This echoes the biblical teaching in Ephesians 5:25-26, which instructs husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church, sacrificing for her and nourishing her with love.

The bridge of the song highlights the struggles and insecurities that we all face. It acknowledges that nobody is perfect, and we all have flaws and imperfections. However, it reminds us that through God's grace and the power of the resurrected Lord, we can find restoration, strength, and hope. This reinforces the message of Romans 8:28, which assures us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him.

Overall, "Rose" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. serves as a beautiful reminder of our worth and identity in God's eyes. Just as a rose is delicate, unique, and cherished, so are we as individuals. The song encourages us to stay rooted in God's love, seek purity, and find our true beauty in Him alone. It challenges us to pray for and uplift one another, celebrating the beauty and strength we each possess. Through its powerful lyrics and heartfelt message, "Rose" inspires us to embrace our identity as beloved children of God and to live our lives as a beautiful reflection of His love.
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