Come Lord Jesus Lyrics Jeremy Riddle

Come Lord Jesus by Jeremy Riddle

King of glory, precious lamb
Heaven's bridegroom, my dearest one
Son of God, son of man
My beloved friend

My heart is longing for my love
My heart is longing for my love

Come, lord Jesus, come
The spirit and the bride say come
The root of Jesse, eternal son
Come, lord Jesus, come

Wounded savior, majesty
Gentle shepherd, my prince of peace
Risen wonder, lord of light
Resurrected Christ

My heart is longing for my love
My heart is longing for my love

Come, lord Jesus, come
The spirit and the bride say come
The root of Jesse, eternal son
Come, lord Jesus, come
Come, lord Jesus, come
The spirit and the bride say come
The root of Jesse, eternal son
Come, lord Jesus, come

Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving
And we say come
Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving

And we say come
And we say come
And we say come
And we say come

Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving
And we say come
Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving
And we say come
Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving

And we say come
And we say come
And we say come
And we say come

Come, lord Jesus, come
The spirit and the bride say come
The root of Jesse, eternal son
Come, lord Jesus, come
Come, lord Jesus, come
The spirit and the bride say come
The root of Jesse, eternal son
Come, lord Jesus, come

We cry, come, lord Jesus, come
We cry, come, lord Jesus, come
We cry, come, lord Jesus, come

Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving
And we say come
Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving
And we say come
Come and rip the sky wide open
Can you hear your people calling
We can feel the spirit moving

And we say come
And we say come
And we say come
And we say come
And we say come
And we say come

Come, lord Jesus, come
The spirit and the bride say come
The root of Jesse, eternal son
Come, lord Jesus, come

Come Lord Jesus Video

Come Lord Jesus Info

"Come Lord Jesus" by Jeremy Riddle is a powerful and heartfelt worship song that calls upon the Lord to come and reveal His glory. The song is a beautiful expression of longing for the presence of Jesus and the anticipation of His return.

The lyrics of the song convey a deep desire for Jesus to come and manifest Himself in a tangible way. It speaks of Jesus as the King of glory, the precious Lamb, and the Son of God and Son of Man. This highlights His divinity and humanity, emphasizing His unique position as both fully God and fully man.

The song draws inspiration from various scripture verses that relate to the theme of Jesus' coming. One such verse is Revelation 22:20 which says, "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!" This verse echoes the cry of the song, inviting Jesus to come and fulfill His promise of returning.

Another verse that resonates with the song is Isaiah 11:10 which speaks of the "root of Jesse," referring to Jesus as the descendant of King David. The song acknowledges Jesus as the eternal Son, connecting Him to the lineage of Jesse and emphasizing His eternal nature.

The song also captures the essence of the bride of Christ longing for her bridegroom. It references the Spirit and the bride saying "come," echoing the sentiment of the church eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus. This imagery is reminiscent of the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25, where the wise virgins were prepared and eagerly waiting for the bridegroom's arrival.

The lyrics of "Come Lord Jesus" express a deep longing for the second coming of Christ and the ultimate fulfillment of His kingdom. It speaks of Jesus as the wounded Savior, the gentle Shepherd, and the risen wonder. These descriptions highlight His sacrificial love, His care for His people, and His victorious resurrection.

The song also emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit, as it speaks of feeling the Spirit moving and calling out for Jesus to come. This aligns with the biblical truth that the Holy Spirit is the one who draws us to Jesus and helps us pray according to God's will.

The overall message of the song is a plea for Jesus to come and rip the sky wide open, to make His presence known and to bring about a greater revelation of His glory. It captures the yearning of believers to experience the fullness of God's kingdom and to be in the presence of Jesus.

"Come Lord Jesus" is a worship song that stirs the hearts of believers, reminding them of the hope they have in Jesus and the anticipation of His return. It encourages the church to continue to seek after God's presence and to eagerly await the day when Jesus will come again.

In conclusion, "Come Lord Jesus" by Jeremy Riddle is a powerful and heartfelt worship song that expresses a deep longing for the presence of Jesus and the anticipation of His return. It draws inspiration from scripture verses that relate to the theme of Jesus' coming and calls upon the Lord to come and reveal His glory. The song captures the essence of the bride of Christ eagerly awaiting her bridegroom and emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit in drawing us to Jesus. It is a song that resonates with believers, reminding them of the hope they have in Jesus and the ultimate fulfillment of His kingdom.
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