You Would Love Me Too Lyrics JJ Heller

You Would Love Me Too by JJ Heller

We could talk for hours
It doesn't matter
You don't hear a word I say
'Cause you don't listen when I speak
So I'll sing instead

La la la la la I love you
Ooh I really do
If you ever paid attention
I think you would love me too

You say you want to know me
I get the feeling that you're telling me a lie
'Cause every time I talk about emotion
You shake your pretty head and say goodbye

La la la la la I love you
Ooh I really do
If you ever paid attention
I think you would love me too

Why do I love you like I do
When you ignore me
Just like the sun ignores the moon
All you see is you

I love you
Ooh sad but true
If you ever paid attention
I think you would love me too

You Would Love Me Too Video

You Would Love Me Too Info

"You Would Love Me Too" is a beautiful and heartfelt song by JJ Heller that speaks to the longing for love and connection. With its simple yet profound lyrics, it delves into the universal desire to be seen, heard, and loved by others.

The song begins with the recognition that despite the speaker's efforts to communicate, the person they are addressing does not truly listen or pay attention to them. This feeling of being ignored or unseen is something many of us can relate to, as we've all experienced moments when our words seem to fall on deaf ears. JJ Heller captures this frustration and longing in her lyrics, painting a picture of a one-sided conversation.

However, rather than dwelling in bitterness or resentment, the song takes a different turn. Instead of giving up or lashing out, the speaker decides to express their love through song. They sing, "La la la la la I love you, Ooh I really do." It's a poignant moment that highlights the power of love and how it can transcend the limitations of verbal communication.

In this song, JJ Heller beautifully captures the essence of unconditional love, even in the face of rejection or indifference. It's a reminder that love is not dependent on the response or reciprocation of the other person. It's an expression of the speaker's heart, regardless of whether it is acknowledged or appreciated.

This theme of unconditional love resonates strongly with biblical teachings. In the book of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, often referred to as the "Love Chapter," it says, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

These verses beautifully articulate the essence of love that JJ Heller conveys in "You Would Love Me Too." Love is patient and kind, even when it feels ignored or unheard. It does not seek its own recognition or validation but continues to offer itself freely.

Through her music, JJ Heller consistently infuses her faith into her art. Her songs are often inspired by her relationship with God and her understanding of His love for humanity. While "You Would Love Me Too" does not explicitly reference specific scripture verses, its message aligns with the overarching theme of God's unconditional love for His people.

In conclusion, "You Would Love Me Too" by JJ Heller is a poignant and relatable song that speaks to the longing for love and connection. Through its heartfelt lyrics, the song explores the desire to be seen and heard, even when it feels like our words go unnoticed. It reminds us of the power of unconditional love and its ability to transcend verbal communication. Drawing inspiration from biblical teachings on love and JJ Heller's faith, the song serves as a beautiful reminder of God's unwavering love for His people.
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