I Believe Lyrics JJ Heller

I Believe by JJ Heller

There are so many things about you I don't understand
But I believe
I keep moving forward when I'm holding your hand
I believe

The truest things I know
Are those I cannot see
From my birth to my dying day
I believe

When I'm old I'll talk about the things that you have done
I believe
Brokenness made beautiful
The wars that you have won
And the storms you calmed in me

The truest things I know
Are those I cannot see
From my birth to my dying day
I believe

I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands
I'd rather be led by his nail pierced hands
I'd rather have Jesus than anything…

The truest things I know
Are those I cannot see
From my birth to my dying day
I believe

I Believe Video

I Believe Info

The song "I Believe" by JJ Heller is a beautiful and inspiring anthem of faith. With heartfelt lyrics and a soothing melody, the song reminds us of the power of belief and the importance of trusting in God's plan.

One of the striking aspects of this song is its simplicity. Heller's voice is gentle and soothing, drawing the listener in and allowing the message to resonate deeply. The stripped-down instrumentation adds to the intimate and personal feel of the song, allowing the lyrics to take center stage.

In the song, Heller sings, "There are so many things about you I don't understand, but I believe. I keep moving forward when I'm holding your hand, I believe." These lyrics capture the essence of faith – the willingness to trust in God's plan, even when we may not fully understand it. It is a reminder that belief is not dependent on having all the answers, but rather on having a steadfast trust in God's goodness and faithfulness.

Throughout the song, Heller expresses her faith in various ways. She sings about brokenness made beautiful and the wars that God has won in our lives. These lyrics reflect the biblical truth that God can bring beauty out of our brokenness and that He is victorious in all situations. Romans 8:28 affirms this by stating, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Another notable aspect of the song is the line, "I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands, I'd rather be led by his nail-pierced hands." This lyric is a powerful declaration of the worth and value of Jesus in our lives. It echoes the sentiments of Philippians 3:8, where the apostle Paul says, "What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ."

The song "I Believe" is not only a personal expression of faith but also serves as an encouragement to others. It reminds us that even in the midst of uncertainty, we can find hope and strength in our belief in God. It encourages us to keep moving forward, to hold onto God's hand, and to trust in His plan for our lives.

Overall, "I Believe" is a heartfelt and uplifting song that speaks to the core of our faith. It reminds us of the power and beauty of belief and the importance of trusting in God's unfailing love. Through its simple yet profound lyrics, the song resonates with listeners and encourages them to hold onto their faith, no matter what challenges they may face.
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