Rainbow Connection Lyrics JJ Heller

Rainbow Connection by JJ Heller

Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side
Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong wait and see
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
Look what it's done so far
What's so amazing
That keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see
Someday we'll find it
That rainbow connection
The lovers the dreamers and me

All of us under its spell
We know that it's probably magic

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I've heard them calling my name
Is this the sweet sound that called the young sailors
The voice might be one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
It's something that I'm supposed to be
Someday we'll find it
The rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me

Rainbow Connection Video

Rainbow Connection Info

Rainbow Connection by JJ Heller is a beautiful song that captures the essence of wonder, hope, and connection. The song speaks to the longing we all have to find meaning and purpose in life, to discover that connection that binds us all together.

The lyrics of the song explore the idea of rainbows as both a physical phenomenon and a metaphorical representation of something deeper. Rainbows are often seen as symbols of hope and promise, a bridge between heaven and earth. In the song, JJ Heller sings, "Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide." This line suggests that while rainbows may seem magical and otherworldly, they are ultimately a part of our earthly existence, something tangible that we can see and experience.

The song goes on to question the belief that every wish will be heard and answered. It asks us to consider the power of belief and the magic that can come from dreams and aspirations. This theme of belief and hope is echoed in the line, "What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing, and what do we think we might see?" It encourages us to keep dreaming, to keep looking up at the stars and wondering what lies beyond.

As a Christian blogger, I can't help but see connections to scripture in the themes of this song. In the Bible, rainbows are mentioned in the story of Noah and the flood. After the floodwaters recede, God places a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His covenant with humanity, promising to never again destroy the earth with a flood. This covenant represents God's faithfulness, His promises, and His love for His creation. It is a reminder of His grace and mercy.

The rainbow connection in the song can also be seen as a reflection of our connection to God and to one another. In the book of Genesis, it is said that God created humanity in His image, and throughout the Bible, we are called to love and care for one another. The rainbow connection can symbolize the ties that bind us together as children of God, the love and compassion that we are called to share with one another.

In the song, there is a sense of longing and searching for that connection. It speaks to the deep desire within each of us to find meaning and purpose in our lives, to discover the beauty and wonder that exists all around us. It reminds us that we are not alone on this journey, that there are others who share in our dreams and aspirations.

As I listen to "Rainbow Connection" by JJ Heller, I am reminded of the importance of hope, belief, and connection. It encourages me to keep dreaming, to keep searching for that rainbow connection in my own life and in my relationships with others. It reminds me of the promises of God and the beauty of His creation. It reminds me to look up at the stars and wonder what lies beyond. And most importantly, it reminds me of the power of love and the importance of connecting with others in meaningful ways.

In conclusion, "Rainbow Connection" by JJ Heller is a song that speaks to the longing we all have for connection and meaning in our lives. It encourages us to keep dreaming, to keep searching for that rainbow connection that binds us all together. It is a reminder of the promises of God and the love and compassion that we are called to share with one another. So let's keep stargazing, keep dreaming, and keep seeking that rainbow connection in our own lives.
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