You Want More For Me Lyrics JJ Heller

You Want More For Me by JJ Heller

I've been thinking about the way my life turned out
How nothing's really gone the way I planned
How each blind curve
Each twist and turn brought me where I am now
And looking back I wouldn't trade them in

I had an image of the life in front of me
And how I was gonna build it on my own
But if I never lost the picture in my mind of who I'd be
I'd never get to see who I'd become

The world is full of extraordinary things
Somehow I never imagined a holiday at sea
I've been settling for mud pies and microscopic dreams
You want more for me

There's a freedom knowing I can't mess it up
And how every choice can somehow can be redeemed
So I pray for wisdom knowing with some faith I'll learn to see
There is no path you will not walk with me

The world is full of extraordinary things
Somehow I never imagined a holiday at sea
I've been settling for mud pies and microscopic dreams
You want more for me

What I hope for is far too weak
A single note in a symphony
I am far too easily pleased
You want more for me
You want more for me
You want more...
Oh, the world is full of extraordinary things
Somehow I never imagined a holiday at sea
I've been settling for mud pies and microscopic dreams
You want more for me
You want more for me
You want more for me

You Want More For Me Video

You Want More For Me Info

"You Want More For Me" by JJ Heller is a beautiful and introspective song that speaks to the desire for something greater in our lives. The lyrics touch on the reality that life often doesn't go according to our plans, but in the midst of the unexpected twists and turns, there is a greater purpose at work.

The song begins with Heller reflecting on the way her life has turned out, noting that it hasn't gone the way she planned. This is a relatable experience for many of us. We often have a specific vision in mind for our lives, but reality rarely matches up to our expectations. However, Heller goes on to express gratitude for the unexpected journey, recognizing that she wouldn't trade it in for anything.

This theme of gratitude in the midst of life's uncertainties is reminiscent of the biblical verse Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." It's a reminder that even when our plans are derailed, God is still at work, weaving together a greater story for our lives.

Heller then acknowledges that she had an image of the life she wanted to build on her own, but realizes that if she had never let go of that picture, she wouldn't have become who she is today. This speaks to the idea of surrendering our own plans and trusting in God's plan for our lives. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, acknowledging that He will direct our paths.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the extraordinary things that the world has to offer, things that Heller never imagined for herself. This can be a reminder of the abundant life that Jesus promises in John 10:10, where He says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." We often settle for lesser things, but God wants more for us.

Heller expresses a desire for wisdom and faith to see beyond her own limited perspective. This desire aligns with James 1:5, which encourages us to ask God for wisdom and promises that He will give it generously.

The song concludes with the affirmation that God wants more for us. It's a recognition that our hopes and dreams are often too weak compared to what God has in store for us. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.

In "You Want More For Me," JJ Heller beautifully captures the tension between our own plans and God's greater purpose for our lives. It's a reminder to trust in His guidance, surrender our own expectations, and embrace the extraordinary things He has in store for us. May we all have the courage to let go of our mud pies and microscopic dreams and embrace the abundant life that God wants for us.
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