Only You Lyrics JJ Heller

Only You by JJ Heller

Are you the little girl who locks herself inside her room
Waiting to be rescued
Or are you the captain of war
That he began to prove his merit as a man

Everyone is known for something
What's it going to be for you

Are you the picture of perfection
But when it comes down to it you don't have a clue
Or are you the center of attention at all times
God help the man who takes away your chance to shine

Everyone is known for something
What's it going to be for you
No one else can paint your portrait
With an unobstructed view

You're the one who gets to choose
How much of you you've got to lose
How much of you you've yet to gain
Who are you...

Only You Video

Only You Info

"Only You" by JJ Heller is a beautiful and introspective song that delves into the depths of our identity and purpose. With its heartfelt lyrics and soothing melody, it captivates listeners and invites them to reflect on their own journey of self-discovery.

The song opens with a thought-provoking question: "Are you the little girl who locks herself inside her room, waiting to be rescued?" This image portrays someone who may feel trapped or isolated, longing for someone to come and save them from their circumstances. It speaks to the times when we feel overwhelmed and helpless, yearning for someone to intervene and bring us comfort and hope.

On the other hand, the song also presents the character of the "captain of war" who is determined to prove their worth and strength. This persona represents the facade that some people put on, trying to project an image of perfection and invincibility. They strive to gain recognition and validation from others, often at the expense of their true selves.

Throughout the song, JJ Heller reminds us that everyone is known for something, but it's up to us to choose what that something will be. This echoes the biblical truth found in 1 Peter 2:9, which states, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." As believers, we are called to live a life that reflects the goodness and glory of God, rather than seeking validation from the world.

Heller also highlights the importance of embracing our uniqueness and not conforming to societal expectations. She sings, "No one else can paint your portrait with an unobstructed view." This resonates with the biblical concept of being fearfully and wonderfully made, as stated in Psalm 139:14. Each of us is created with a specific purpose and design, and it is our responsibility to fully embrace and express our individuality.

The song "Only You" serves as a reminder that our identity and worth are not determined by the opinions or expectations of others. We are called to find our true identity in Christ and allow Him to shape us into the person He has called us to be. It invites us to let go of the need for validation and instead seek fulfillment in our relationship with God.

In conclusion, "Only You" by JJ Heller is a powerful and introspective song that explores the themes of identity, purpose, and self-acceptance. Its lyrics and melody invite listeners to reflect on their own journey of self-discovery and to find their true identity in Christ. It serves as a reminder that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and our worth comes from being loved and chosen by God.
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