Loved Lyrics JJ Heller

Loved by JJ Heller

Do you dream of a home you never had
An innocence that you cannot get back
The pain is real
You can't erase it
Sooner or later you have to face it down
You have to face it down

You are loved

Do you keep your thoughts inside your head
Will you regret the things you never said
You have a voice
You have to use it
You have a choice
Don't let them shut you down
Don't let them shut you down

You are loved

Do you feel the ache inside your soul
You know you'll never make it on your own
Sorrow is too great for you to hold it
You're gonna break
Why don't you lay it down

Freedom comes in letting go
Open up the window to your heart
Freedom comes in letting go
Open up your heart

Loved Video

Loved Info

JJ Heller's song "Loved" is a beautiful and heartfelt anthem that speaks to the deep longing we all have to be known and loved. It addresses the pain and struggles we face, reminding us that we are not alone and that we are loved by God.

The song opens with the lyrics, "Do you dream of a home you never had, an innocence that you cannot get back?" These words immediately resonate with anyone who has experienced loss or longing for something they never had. It taps into the universal desire to go back to a time when things were simpler and to find a place where we truly belong. This longing is reminiscent of the biblical concept of our true home being in heaven, where we will find perfect peace and fulfillment.

As the song continues, it acknowledges the reality of pain and the need to face it. The lyrics say, "The pain is real, you can't erase it. Sooner or later, you have to face it down." This echoes the biblical truth that we will face trials and tribulations in this world, but we are encouraged to confront our pain and find healing in God. Psalm 34:18 reminds us that "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." God is with us in our pain and offers us comfort and healing.

One of the most powerful lines in the song is, "You are loved." This simple statement holds immense weight and significance. It is a reminder that no matter what we have done or what we have been through, we are loved unconditionally by God. This echoes the message of John 3:16, which says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God's love for us is so great that He sacrificed His Son for our salvation.

The song also addresses the struggle of keeping our thoughts and feelings inside. It encourages us to find our voice, to speak up and not let others silence us. This aligns with the biblical call to share our burdens with one another and to be open and honest in our relationships. Galatians 6:2 says, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." We are not meant to bear our struggles alone, but to find support and encouragement from those around us.

Overall, "Loved" by JJ Heller is a powerful and uplifting song that reminds us of our worth and the unconditional love that God has for us. It speaks to the universal longing for love and acceptance, and offers hope and healing in the midst of pain. Through its heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melody, it encourages us to find our voice, face our pain, and embrace the love that is freely given to us.
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