I Know You By Heart Lyrics JJ Heller

I Know You By Heart by JJ Heller

I see you packing all the lunches
Loading all the kids into the van
Tonight you'll tuck them in at bedtime
Tomorrow you will do it all again

Feeling like a ghost nobody sees
I wish somehow
You could hear the truth that's clear to me

You are enough
You matter in this world
Every second I am proud of who you are
Although you feel forgotten and invisible
I see you and I know you by heart

I see you walking through the lunch room
Smiling but you're choking back the tears
What if you ran away tomorrow?
Would anybody know you disappeared?

Overlooked, feeling like a ghost nobody sees
I wish somehow
You could hear the truth that's clear to me

You are enough
You matter in this world
Every second I am proud of who you are
Although you feel forgotten and invisible
I see you and I know you by heart

If you're looking for significance
And you can't see the difference from one day to the next
You'll never have to guess the way I feel

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