The Mercy of Not Knowing: Trusting God's Wisdom & Love

God's Mercy in Not Revealing Everything

Have you ever wondered why God chooses not to tell us everything? It may seem frustrating at times, but in reality, God's decision to withhold certain information from us is an act of mercy. When we understand this, it deepens our appreciation for his wisdom and love.

A Question on the Disciples' Minds

Imagine being on the Mount of Olives with Jesus, just before his ascension to the Father. The disciples had witnessed incredible miracles and teachings from Jesus, and now they had a burning question in their hearts. One of them finally mustered the courage to ask, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1:6).

This question reveals the disciples' longing for the fulfillment of God's promises. They were eagerly awaiting the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, a promise that had been passed down for generations. It had been a long wait. Two thousand years had passed since God promised to give Abraham a seed that would bless all the families of the earth. 1,500 years had passed since God told Moses that a great prophet would arise to lead the people. A thousand years had passed since God promised to place an eternal heir of David upon the throne.

Yet, despite all these promises, they were still waiting. The kingdom had not been restored, and they were left wondering when it would happen.

The Mercy of Not Knowing

In response to the disciples' question, Jesus doesn't give a straightforward answer. Instead, he tells them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority" (Acts 1:7). In other words, Jesus is saying, "It's not for you to know the details of when the kingdom will be restored."

At first, we may find this response puzzling. Why wouldn't Jesus just tell them the exact time? But when we dig deeper, we discover the mercy behind Jesus' words.

God's mercy is revealed in his decision not to tell us everything. Here's why:

1. Limited Human Understanding

As humans, our understanding is limited. We see only a small fraction of the big picture. God, on the other hand, sees everything from beginning to end. He knows the intricate details of our lives and the world around us. If God were to reveal everything to us, it would overwhelm our finite minds. We wouldn't be able to comprehend it all.

Imagine trying to explain the complexities of astrophysics to a toddler. The toddler's mind simply cannot grasp the concepts and theories. In the same way, God, in his mercy, protects us from information that would be beyond our comprehension.

2. Strengthening Our Faith

God's mercy in not revealing everything also strengthens our faith. When we don't have all the answers, we are forced to trust God more fully. We learn to rely on his wisdom and guidance instead of relying on our own understanding.

Think about a puzzle. If we already knew the solution, where would the challenge be? The joy of completing a puzzle lies in the process of piecing it together, discovering how all the parts fit together. Similarly, when we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle of our lives, we are invited to trust God to reveal them in his perfect timing.

As the Psalmist writes, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). When we embrace the mystery of not knowing everything, our faith is stretched and deepened.

3. Embracing God's Sovereignty

God's mercy in not revealing everything also teaches us to embrace his sovereignty. When we desire to know every detail of our lives and the future, we are essentially trying to take control. We want to be the ones calling the shots and making all the decisions.

However, God is the ultimate authority and ruler over all. He knows what is best for us, even when we don't. By not revealing everything, he invites us to surrender our need for control and trust in his perfect plan.

Imagine being on a roller coaster. If you knew every twist and turn beforehand, the thrill and excitement would be diminished. The beauty of the ride lies in the surprises and the trust we place in the designer and operator. Similarly, when we surrender to God's sovereignty and embrace the unknown, we experience the thrill of walking by faith.

Trusting in God's Mercy

So, why does God choose not to reveal everything? It's because he is merciful. He understands our limitations as humans and knows what is best for us. By not revealing everything, he invites us to trust him, strengthens our faith, and teaches us to embrace his sovereignty.

As we navigate through life, let's remember that God's mercy is at work even in the unknown. Instead of getting frustrated or anxious about what we don't know, let's choose to trust in his goodness and wisdom. He sees the bigger picture, and he knows how to guide us every step of the way.

Let us echo the words of the Psalmist: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). Even when we can't see the whole path ahead, we can trust that God's word will guide us through the darkness.

So, let us embrace the mercy of not knowing everything and rest in the assurance that God's plans for us are good. He is with us, and he will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Trust in his mercy, and you will find peace and joy in the journey.

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