Prioritizing Intimacy with God: The Key to Fulfillment in Waiting

Intimacy with God is the Main Thing

Intimacy with God is the Main Thing

Have you ever felt the frustration of waiting for God to fulfill His promises in your life? Maybe you've been eagerly anticipating a specific calling or direction from Him, but it seems like nothing is happening. In those moments, it's easy to become discouraged and question if God has forgotten about you.

But what if I told you that intimacy with God is actually more important than your sense of "calling" from Him? What if the purpose of your waiting is not just to receive a specific assignment, but to draw closer to the heart of God?

When we prioritize intimacy with God, we begin to understand that waiting is not wasted time. It's an opportunity to deepen our relationship with Him and align our desires with His perfect will.

Embracing the Season of Waiting

I vividly remember a season of waiting in my own life. I was thirty years old and pregnant with my first child. My husband and I were thrilled about the upcoming arrival, but alongside the excitement, I also felt a sense of anticipation from God. I had been praying about my career as an attorney and exploring ways to create a more flexible schedule to spend time with our child.

During a Sunday church service, I sensed God speaking to my heart. He revealed that He was calling me to write for His glory, specifically a book. This calling both excited and overwhelmed me. I knew I had a passion for writing, but I also felt uncertain about my abilities and the path ahead.

In that moment, God reminded me of the importance of intimacy with Him. He showed me that my waiting was not a delay or a roadblock, but an invitation to draw nearer to Him. Instead of solely focusing on my sense of calling, He wanted me to prioritize a deep and intimate relationship with Him.

Looking back, I realize that my younger self would have embraced the season of waiting more fully if she had made intimacy with God the main thing. Instead of allowing frustration to consume her, she would have seen waiting as an opportunity to grow closer to God and seek His guidance.

Intimacy with God Leads to Greater Purpose

Intimacy with God is not just a means to an end; it is the end itself. When we prioritize our relationship with Him above all else, we align ourselves with His heart and purpose for our lives. We begin to see that our ultimate fulfillment and joy come from being in His presence, rather than from the specific tasks or assignments we receive.

In the Bible, we see many examples of individuals who prioritized intimacy with God and experienced His faithfulness in their waiting. One such example is King David. Despite being anointed as king at a young age, David spent years in waiting before he actually ascended to the throne. During this time, he cultivated a deep intimacy with God through worship, prayer, and obedience.

Psalm 27:4 (NIV) says, "One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple." David understood that his ultimate desire was not just to fulfill his calling as king, but to dwell in the presence of God and experience His beauty.

Similarly, in the New Testament, we see the example of the apostle Paul. Despite his incredible apostolic calling and ministry, Paul also experienced seasons of waiting and hardship. In those times, he relied on his intimacy with God to sustain and strengthen him. He wrote in Philippians 3:8 (NIV), "I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

Paul understood that true fulfillment and purpose came from knowing Christ intimately, regardless of the specific circumstances or assignments he faced. His focus was on deepening his relationship with God rather than solely pursuing external achievements.

Embracing Intimacy with God in Your Season of Waiting

So, how can you embrace intimacy with God in your own season of waiting? Here are a few practical steps:

1. Prioritize Daily Time with God

Make it a habit to spend time in God's presence every day. Set aside a specific time and place where you can seek Him through prayer, reading His Word, and worship. This intentional time will help you cultivate intimacy and hear His voice more clearly.

2. Seek His Face, Not Just His Hand

Don't approach God solely for what He can give you or the assignments He can provide. Instead, seek His face and desire to know Him intimately. Focus on building a deep relationship with Him, trusting that He will guide and lead you in His perfect timing.

3. Surrender Your Desires to His Will

In your waiting, surrender your desires and plans to God's will. Trust that He knows what is best for you and that His timing is perfect. Align your heart with His and seek His guidance in every area of your life.

4. Find Encouragement in His Promises

God's Word is filled with promises of His faithfulness and provision. Meditate on these promises and find encouragement in His character. Remember that He is always with you, even in the waiting, and He will never leave you nor forsake you.


Intimacy with God should always be the main thing in our lives. When we prioritize our relationship with Him above all else, we find true fulfillment and purpose. Our waiting becomes an opportunity to draw closer to His heart and align our desires with His will. As we embrace intimacy with God, we can trust that He will guide us in His perfect timing and lead us into the plans and assignments He has for us.

So, let us make intimacy with God our main pursuit, knowing that in His presence, we find everything we need.

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