Discover the Overwhelming Strength of God: Ascribing Glory and Power to the Lord

Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength! (Psalm 96:7)

Have you ever stopped to consider the strength of God? The psalmist urges us to give attention to God's strength and to ascribe glory to Him. But what does it mean to "ascribe strength" to the Lord?

First and foremost, it means recognizing and acknowledging God's strength. It requires us to focus our attention on Him and truly grasp the magnitude of His power. We must give due regard to the greatness of His strength and appreciate its worth.

When we truly understand God's strength, we are filled with wonder. But what makes this wonder a "giving" kind of wonder is the fact that we are not envious or covetous of His power. Instead, we find joy in the fact that all strength belongs to Him.

Imagine a scenario where you have just competed in a race and lost to a distance runner who surpasses your abilities. Instead of feeling resentful or bitter, you find yourself filled with admiration for their strength and celebrate their victory. This is the kind of joy we experience when we admire God's strength. We find the deepest meaning in life when our hearts freely go out to admire His power, rather than turning inward to boast in our own.

In this act of giving heed to God's power, we come to a profound realization that God created the universe so that we could experience the supreme satisfaction of not being God, but rather admiring His greatness and strength. We discover that the admiration of the infinite is the ultimate end of all things, bringing us overwhelming peace and fulfillment.

God, in His wisdom, has made us weak to protect us from the temptation to claim power as our own. We are like fragile jars of clay, and it is through our weakness that the surpassing power of God is made evident. We are reminded that the power belongs to Him and not to us.

This protection from the futile attempt to boast in our own power is an act of love from God. It is a great gladness to recognize that we are not God, but rather to see and admire God for who He truly is.

The Bible is filled with references to God's strength and power. In Isaiah 40:28, we read, "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable." This verse reminds us of the incomparable strength of God, who never grows tired or weak.

In Psalm 147:5, we are told, "Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure." This verse emphasizes the greatness of our Lord and His abundant power, which knows no bounds.

Furthermore, in Ephesians 3:20, we read, "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us." This verse highlights the limitless power of God, which is at work within us, surpassing our wildest imaginations.

As we reflect on these verses and countless others throughout the Bible, we are reminded of the awe-inspiring strength of God. We are encouraged to give Him the glory and honor He deserves, ascribing to Him all power and might.

In conclusion, ascribing strength to the Lord is an act of recognizing and acknowledging His power. It is finding joy in the fact that all strength belongs to Him and not to us. When we admire God's strength, we discover the deepest meaning in life and experience overwhelming satisfaction. Through our weakness, God's power is made evident, protecting us from the futile attempt to boast in our own power. Let us continually give glory to the Lord and ascribe to Him the strength that is rightfully His.
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