Having Sex God's Way: Honoring Him in Your Intimacy

Have Sex Like You Know God

As a young adult, I remember feeling excited and anxious as I stepped into the world of romance and intimacy. I was filled with adrenaline and eager to experience the pleasures of sex. However, looking back now, there is a lot I wish I knew then that I know now about sex. I wish I could redo every step I took into romance and intimacy, and heal every wound I inflicted. I wish I made Jesus look real, trustworthy, and satisfying in all of my dating experiences. Instead, it often looked like I didn’t really believe what he said, and that he wasn’t enough for me. I dated, at times, like I simply did not know God.

When I look back on those years and relationships, three words immediately come to mind: You knew better.

It wasn't just that I knew I shouldn’t have done certain things and did them anyway. It was that I knew God better than how I was living. I had seen the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature in Jesus Christ. I had tasted the goodness of God pouring from every crevice of the cross and filling every square foot of creation. I had smelled the undeniable aroma of Christ, a smell so pleasant that it raised my heartbeat with joy and love. Yet, I chose to pursue intimacy outside of his design and will.

God's Design for Sex

Sex is a beautiful gift from God. It is a physical and emotional expression of love and intimacy between one man and one woman within the covenant of marriage. God designed sex to be a unifying bond between a husband and wife, a physical representation of the spiritual bond that exists between Christ and his bride, the church.

God's design for sex is not only for procreation, but also for pleasure and intimacy. It is a sacred act between two people who have committed their lives to each other in marriage. In the Bible, the Song of Solomon is a beautiful depiction of God's design for sex and the intimacy it brings between a husband and wife.

However, outside of God's design, sex can be destructive and harmful. Sexual immorality, including premarital sex, adultery, and pornography, is a sin and can have damaging consequences on our emotional, physical, and spiritual health. That is why it is so important to follow God's design for sex and to view it as the beautiful and sacred gift that it is.

Knowing God and Sexuality

As Christians, our view of sexuality should be shaped by our relationship with God. Our understanding of God's character and his love for us should inform how we approach intimacy and sex in our relationships.

When we know God, we understand that sex is not just a physical act, but a spiritual one as well. It is a reflection of the love and intimacy that exists within the Trinity and between Christ and his bride, the church. Sex is a holy act that should be approached with reverence and respect.

Knowing God also means understanding his grace and forgiveness. If we have made mistakes in the past, we can come to him and receive his forgiveness and healing. We can also seek forgiveness from those we have hurt and work to restore broken relationships.

Practical Ways to Have Sex Like You Know God

So, how can we have sex like we know God? Here are a few practical ways:

1. Seek God's guidance in your relationships.

Before entering into a relationship, seek God's guidance and direction. Pray for wisdom and discernment in choosing a partner who shares your values and commitment to following God's design for sex. Involve God in your relationship and seek his guidance and counsel as you navigate the ups and downs of dating.

2. View sex as a sacred act.

Approach sex with reverence and respect. Recognize that sex is not just a physical act, but a spiritual one as well. Remember that sex is a reflection of the love and intimacy that exists within the Trinity and between Christ and his bride, the church.

3. Save sex for marriage.

Follow God's design for sex and save it for marriage. This means refraining from premarital sex, adultery, and pornography. Honor God with your body and treat it as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

4. Communicate openly and honestly with your partner.

Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to sex. Be open and honest with your partner about your desires, boundaries, and expectations. Respect each other's boundaries and work together to create a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship within the context of marriage.

5. Pursue healing and forgiveness for past mistakes.

If you have made mistakes in the past, seek healing and forgiveness from God and those you have hurt. Work to restore broken relationships and build a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship within the context of marriage.


Sex is a beautiful and sacred gift from God. When we approach it within the context of his design, it can bring deep intimacy and joy to our relationships. However, when we step outside of his design, it can be destructive and harmful.

As Christians, our view of sex should be shaped by our relationship with God. We should view sex as a reflection of the love and intimacy that exists within the Trinity and between Christ and his bride, the church. We should approach it with reverence and respect, and seek God's guidance and counsel in our relationships.

So, let us have sex like we know God. Let us honor him with our bodies and pursue healthy, fulfilling sexual relationships within the context of marriage.

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