The Purpose of Christmas: Jesus Born to Die for Our Sins and Deliver Us from Death

The connection between the beginning and end of Jesus's earthly life - between the incarnation and crucifixion - is beautifully expressed in Hebrews 2:14-15. This passage highlights the purpose of Jesus's coming to earth: to die for our sins and deliver us from the power of death. It is a powerful message to share with unbelievers during the Christmas season.

The verse begins by stating that the "children" share in flesh and blood. This refers to the spiritual offspring of Christ, the Messiah, and includes all who have received him as their Savior and become children of God. God's salvation plan is focused on these children, and through Jesus, he offers the gift of adoption to all who believe in him.

The passage goes on to say that Jesus himself partook of flesh and blood. This means that Jesus, who existed before the incarnation as the eternal Word, took on human form and became fully man while remaining fully God. It is a mystery that is central to our faith and the foundation of the Christmas story.

But why did Jesus become man? The verse tells us that it was through death that he would accomplish his purpose. As God, he could not die for sinners, but as man, he could. Jesus was born to die. The purpose of Christmas is ultimately Good Friday, where Jesus would lay down his life as a sacrifice for our sins.

In dying, Jesus destroyed the one who has the power of death - the devil. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus disarmed Satan and triumphed over him. How? By covering all our sins with his blood. This means that Satan has no legitimate grounds to accuse us before God. The blood of Jesus justifies us and secures our salvation. Satan's ultimate weapon against us - our sin - is taken away when we are covered by the blood of Jesus.

The verse concludes by saying that Jesus delivers all those who were subject to lifelong slavery because of the fear of death. When we are justified by God through faith in Jesus, we are set free from the fear of death. Satan cannot overturn God's decree of acquittal. This freedom from the fear of death has an immediate effect on our lives. We are no longer enslaved by fear and can live in joy and freedom, serving God and others without reservation.

Reflecting on this passage, we see the incredible love and grace of God in sending his Son to die for us. Jesus was born to die so that we could be set free from the power of sin and death. Christmas is not just a sentimental holiday; it is the beginning of the redemptive work of God that culminates in the cross and resurrection of Jesus.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember the true meaning of this season. It is not just about the baby in the manger, but about the Savior who came to die for our sins. It is a time to reflect on the incredible love of God and the freedom we have in Christ. May we share this message with others and invite them to experience the joy and freedom that comes from knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord.

As we ponder the significance of Jesus's birth and death, let us also consider how this truth should impact our lives. Are we living in the freedom and joy that comes from being justified by God? Are we overcoming the fear of death and living with confidence in God's promises? Let us embrace the freedom we have in Christ and live each day in the light of his victory over sin and death.

This Christmas, let us celebrate the birth of Jesus with gratitude and joy. Let us share the message of salvation with others and invite them to experience the freedom and joy that comes from knowing Jesus. And let us live each day in the freedom and confidence that comes from being justified by God through faith in Jesus. May this be a season of true joy and transformation as we reflect on the incredible love and grace of God in sending his Son to die for us.
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