God's Better Answers: How Prayer Can Change the Course of History

God Answers Better Than We Ask

When we pray, we often have a specific outcome in mind. We ask God for something: healing, financial provision, a job, a spouse, or maybe even something as simple as a parking spot.

But what happens when we don’t get the answer we were hoping for? What happens when our prayers seem to go unanswered? It can be discouraging and even cause us to doubt God’s goodness and faithfulness.

David’s Desperate Prayer

In 2 Samuel 15-17, we see a prime example of a man who prayed in desperation: King David. His son, Absalom, had conspired against him and led a rebellion to try to take the throne. David was forced to flee Jerusalem, weeping and barefoot, and with his most trusted advisor, Ahithophel, joining Absalom’s side.

In the midst of this dire situation, David cried out to God:

“O Lord, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness.” (2 Samuel 15:31)

David’s prayer was simple, yet profound. He didn’t ask for a specific outcome or for God to take away his troubles. Instead, he asked God to intervene in the situation and turn the counsel of his enemy into foolishness.

And that’s exactly what God did.

God’s Better Answer

As the story unfolds, we see that Ahithophel’s counsel was not followed, and eventually, he took his own life. David’s other advisor, Hushai, was able to give counsel that led to Absalom’s downfall and David’s restoration to the throne.

God answered David’s prayer, but in a way that was better than he could have ever imagined. He didn’t just save him from his immediate trouble, but he also brought about a greater victory in the long run.

God often works in ways that we can’t see or understand. He answers our prayers, but not always in the way we expect or desire. Sometimes, he has something even better in store for us.

Prayer as Turning the Tide

David’s prayer teaches us an important truth about prayer: it’s not just about getting what we want, but about turning the tide and changing the course of history.

Prayer is not a passive activity. It’s not just a way to make ourselves feel better or to ask God for things. Prayer is a powerful tool that can change the course of events and bring about God’s will on earth.

As the apostle James wrote:

“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16)

When we pray, we are partnering with God to bring about his kingdom on earth. We are asking him to intervene in our lives and in the world around us.

Prayer is not just a last resort when all else fails. It’s the first line of defense in spiritual warfare. As Paul wrote:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

Prayer is a way to fight against these spiritual forces of evil. It’s a way to turn the tide in the battle for our souls and for the world around us.

Prayer as Relationship

But prayer is not just a tool for getting what we want. It’s also a way to deepen our relationship with God.

When we pray, we are coming before a loving Father who cares for us deeply. We are sharing our hearts with him and listening for his voice in response.

Prayer is not just about asking God for things, but about spending time with him and getting to know him better. It’s about opening ourselves up to his presence and allowing him to work in us and through us.

As Jesus said:

“This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)

Prayer is a way to experience eternal life here and now. It’s a way to know God and to be known by him.

Prayer as Trust

Finally, prayer is a way to trust in God’s goodness and faithfulness, even when we don’t understand his ways.

When we pray, we are acknowledging that God is in control and that he has a plan for our lives. We may not always understand that plan, but we can trust that it is good and that he is working all things together for our good and his glory.

As Paul wrote:

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Prayer is a way to surrender our will to God’s will. It’s a way to say, “Not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)

When we pray in this way, we can have confidence that God is working behind the scenes, even when we can’t see it. We can trust that he is answering our prayers in ways that are better than we could ever ask or imagine.


Prayer is a powerful tool that can change the course of history. When we pray, we are partnering with God to bring about his will on earth. We are also deepening our relationship with him, trusting in his goodness and faithfulness even when we don’t understand his ways.

So let us pray with boldness and with confidence, knowing that God hears our prayers and that he answers them in ways that are better than we could ever ask or imagine.

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