Tellin' The Truth Lyrics Twila Paris

Tellin' The Truth by Twila Paris

I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love

When I really love you, if I really love you
I am not afraid to face the fact
I could be the mark if you react
If I really love you
I am not afraid to take the chance
This could be a painful circumstance
If I really love you, if I really love you

I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love

When I really love you, if I really love you
I'll be there to win my brother back
Turn the other cheek if you attack
If I really love you
I'll be there in broken honesty
You are my responsibility
If I really love you, if I really love you

I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love

I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
When a brother falls
Dare to risk it all
When a brother sins
Go and bring him in

I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love
I believe in telling, telling the truth in love

Tellin' The Truth Video

Tellin' The Truth Info

"Tellin' The Truth" is a powerful song by Twila Paris that emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth in love. With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, this song carries a strong message that resonates with believers and non-believers alike.

The inspiration behind this song stems from the biblical principle of honesty and love. As Christians, we are called to be truthful in our interactions with others, but it is equally important to do so in a spirit of love and compassion. Twila Paris beautifully captures this concept in her lyrics, reminding us that telling the truth is not about pointing fingers or condemning others, but rather about restoring and reconciling relationships.

In the song, Twila Paris sings, "I believe in telling, telling the truth in love." These words echo the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:15, where he encourages believers to speak the truth in love, growing together as the body of Christ. This verse reminds us that truth alone is not enough; it must be accompanied by love and grace. When we confront someone with the truth, it should be done with the intention of helping them, not tearing them down.

Another powerful aspect of "Tellin' The Truth" is its emphasis on taking responsibility for one another. Twila Paris sings, "I'll be there to win my brother back, turn the other cheek if you attack." These words echo the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 18:15, where He instructs His disciples to go and confront a brother or sister who has sinned against them. The goal is not to seek revenge or hold a grudge, but to restore the relationship and bring about reconciliation.

The theme of truth and love is further reinforced in the lines, "When a brother falls, dare to risk it all. When a brother sins, go and bring him in." This echoes the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:4-7, where Jesus teaches that if one of our brothers or sisters goes astray, we should go after them and bring them back to the fold. It requires courage and sacrifice, but it is a reflection of the love that Christ has shown us.

"Tellin' The Truth" encourages us to be honest with one another and to confront sin in a loving manner. It reminds us that as followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to speak up and hold each other accountable. However, this should always be done with a heart full of love and a desire to restore broken relationships.

As we listen to this song, we are challenged to examine our own lives and relationships. Are we speaking the truth in love? Are we taking responsibility for one another and seeking reconciliation? "Tellin' The Truth" serves as a powerful reminder to align our words and actions with the teachings of Christ, cultivating a community rooted in truth, love, and grace.

In conclusion, "Tellin' The Truth" by Twila Paris is a beautiful song that highlights the importance of speaking the truth in love. Its lyrics draw inspiration from biblical principles, reminding us of our responsibility to confront sin and restore relationships. Through this song, Twila Paris encourages us to be honest, compassionate, and courageous in our interactions with others. May it serve as a reminder for us to live out the truth of the Gospel in our daily lives.
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