Unforgivable Lyrics Plumb

Unforgivable by Plumb

I'm never told that I am pretty
I'm never told that I am kind
And my soul burns now with fire
Deep inside

I want to become brave and courageous
Not buried in self-pity of my own
Ashamed and alone from all
That's been done to me
It's not my fault I remind myself

You say don't be afraid
But I feel afraid
You say don't laugh or cry
But I show emotion
You say food will be on the table
And birds in the sky
But I'm hungry
So hungry
And it's cloudy outside

You never loved me like a daughter
You never even loved yourself
And now you treat me like a burden
Just another object on your shelf

I want you to know now that I love you
And this pain that I carry's not my own
Ashamed and alone
From all that's been done to you
It's not you fault
I remind myself

[Repeat Chorus]

No matter what I've done
Or is done to me
Nothing's unforgivable
Or unable to be set free.

[Repeat Chorus Twice]

Unforgivable Video

Unforgivable Info

"Unforgivable" by Plumb is a powerful and emotionally charged song that explores the themes of pain, forgiveness, and self-acceptance. It delves into the struggles and wounds of the singer, emphasizing the need for healing and release from the burdens of the past.

The song begins with a poignant admission of feeling overlooked and unloved. The lyrics express a deep longing for affirmation and acceptance, highlighting the pain that comes from never being told that one is pretty or kind. This longing for validation is something that many people can relate to, as we all desire to be seen and appreciated for who we are.

As the song progresses, it becomes clear that the pain runs even deeper. The singer's soul is described as burning with fire, indicating a profound inner turmoil and anguish. This could symbolize the scars left by past experiences, the wounds that have not yet healed, and the emotional burden the singer carries.

Despite the pain, the song also carries a message of hope and resilience. The desire to become brave and courageous signifies a longing for personal growth and transformation. The singer acknowledges the need to rise above self-pity and the shame that has been imposed upon them, recognizing that it is not their fault. This self-awareness is a crucial step towards healing and self-acceptance.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of forgiveness. The lyrics speak of not being afraid to laugh or cry, showing emotion despite the pain. This implies a willingness to confront and process the past, allowing for the possibility of forgiveness and emotional release. It is a reminder that forgiveness is not only for others but also for oneself.

From a Christian perspective, the theme of forgiveness is deeply rooted in scripture. One verse that relates to the theme of the song is Matthew 6:14-15, which states, "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." This verse emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in our own lives, both for the sake of our relationships with others and our relationship with God.

Another verse that resonates with the theme of the song is Colossians 3:13, which says, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." This verse encourages believers to extend forgiveness to others, just as God has forgiven us.

In conclusion, "Unforgivable" by Plumb is a deeply moving song that explores the themes of pain, forgiveness, and self-acceptance. It speaks to the universal desire for validation and the need to heal from past wounds. The lyrics resonate with the biblical call to forgiveness and remind us of the power of letting go and finding healing in God's grace.
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