Manic Lyrics Plumb

Manic by Plumb

She breathes in
She breathes out
She wakes up
and lays down
She can hardly speak
and so she screams

I won't give again
because she takes so often

Nothing I say will wash it away
I'm standing in the pouring rain
You say it won't happen again
You're manic, manic
There is a chemical in your brain
It's pouring sunshine and rage
You can never know what to expect
You're manic, manic

She loves you
and hates you
You break down
She feels good
She will bleed from insecurity

When will she heal from this
I love her still


She's got everything you want
She's every little thing you're not, yeah

[chorus x2]

Manic Video

Manic Info

"Manic" by Plumb is a powerful and emotional song that delves into the struggles of a person dealing with mental health issues. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of someone who is caught in a constant cycle of highs and lows, unable to find stability or peace. The song explores themes of love, pain, and the complexities of human emotions.

The inspiration behind the song comes from the personal experiences of the lead singer, Tiffany Arbuckle Lee, also known as Plumb. She has been open about her own battles with mental health, which adds a deep level of authenticity and vulnerability to the song. In an interview, she stated that "Manic" was born out of a desire to capture the intense emotions and turmoil that can come with mental health struggles.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 34:17-18, which says, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse highlights the importance of reaching out to God in times of distress and finding comfort in His presence. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, God is with us and can bring us deliverance and healing.

Another scripture that resonates with the song is Psalm 42:11, which says, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." This verse acknowledges the reality of feeling downcast and disturbed, yet it also encourages us to place our hope in God and trust that He will bring us through our struggles. It reflects the journey of the person in the song who may be feeling overwhelmed but is still seeking hope and healing.

The song "Manic" also serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and supporting those who are dealing with mental health issues. It sheds light on the often misunderstood and stigmatized topic, encouraging empathy and compassion. It reminds us that everyone is fighting their own battles, and it is crucial to offer love and support to those who are struggling.

In conclusion, "Manic" by Plumb is a deeply moving song that explores the complexities of mental health struggles. The lyrics, inspired by the personal experiences of the lead singer, capture the intense emotions and turmoil that can come with mental health issues. The song reminds us of the importance of reaching out to God in times of distress and placing our hope in Him. It also serves as a reminder to show empathy and support to those who are dealing with mental health challenges. Overall, "Manic" is a powerful and poignant song that resonates with listeners and brings awareness to an important topic.
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