Drugstore Jesus Lyrics Plumb

Drugstore Jesus by Plumb

Take the blame for saving lives
You've got the sunset in your eyes

And you've got the glory on your mind
Your good intentions are hard to find

You're drugstore jesus
The miracle is gone
You're drugstore jesus
A saint for everyone
You've thrown your soul away

All your gold turns to dust
And all your masses lose your trust

This grand illusion, this planned confusion
This substitution is tainted love

In a world turned upside down
Can the truth be turned around?
In a world turned upside down
Can the truth be turned around?

You're drugstore jesus
The miracle is gone
You're drugstore jesus
A saint for everyone
But the world goes on

Drugstore Jesus Video

Drugstore Jesus Info

"Drugstore Jesus" by Plumb is a captivating and thought-provoking song that delves into the concept of false religious figures and the dangers of relying on human-made solutions rather than seeking true salvation. With its haunting melody and introspective lyrics, the song serves as a wake-up call to those who may be caught up in the allure of counterfeit spirituality.

The title "Drugstore Jesus" immediately catches your attention, as it presents a paradoxical image. Jesus, known as the Savior and Son of God, is often associated with purity, righteousness, and divine power. However, the term "drugstore" implies something cheap, artificial, and readily available. Plumb cleverly juxtaposes these contrasting ideas to convey the message that there are individuals who claim to offer salvation but are nothing more than imitations.

The lyrics of the song paint a vivid picture of this "drugstore Jesus." Plumb sings, "Take the blame for saving lives, you've got the sunset in your eyes." This line suggests that these false religious figures may initially appear genuine and captivating, captivating their followers with their charisma and promises of salvation. However, as the song progresses, Plumb unveils the truth behind the facade, stating, "You're drugstore Jesus, the miracle is gone, you've thrown your soul away."

The song serves as a cautionary tale, warning listeners about the dangers of placing their trust in false prophets. It echoes the teachings of Jesus Himself, who warned His disciples in Matthew 24:24, saying, "For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Plumb's lyrics remind us that we must be discerning and seek true salvation in Christ, rather than being swayed by charismatic figures who offer empty promises.

The theme of seeking true salvation and the consequences of relying on counterfeit spirituality can also be found in other biblical verses. In Jeremiah 2:13, the prophet laments, "For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water." This verse highlights the folly of seeking satisfaction and fulfillment in anything other than God. Plumb's song echoes this sentiment by emphasizing the emptiness and futility of relying on a "drugstore Jesus" who cannot deliver true salvation.

"Drugstore Jesus" by Plumb serves as a reminder to evaluate our beliefs and the authenticity of those who claim to offer spiritual guidance. It challenges us to seek a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and to rely on Him alone for our salvation. The song's introspective lyrics and haunting melody create a compelling atmosphere that encourages listeners to reflect on their own faith journey and the potential pitfalls of following false religious figures.

In conclusion, "Drugstore Jesus" by Plumb is a powerful and thought-provoking song that sheds light on the dangers of counterfeit spirituality. Through its haunting melody and introspective lyrics, the song urges listeners to seek true salvation in Christ and to be discerning in their faith. By drawing on biblical themes and verses, Plumb effectively conveys the message that relying on a "drugstore Jesus" leads to empty promises and a forsaking of true salvation.
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