We Speak Life (Live In Melbourne) Lyrics PlanetShakers

We Speak Life (Live In Melbourne) by PlanetShakers

We speak, strength into these weary bones
We speak, the healing power of the Lord
For in His name, there are miracles

We speak, nothing is incurable
'Cause we know, that nothing is impossible
For in His name, there are miracles

Our God, is more than able
Our God, will never fail
He is always with us
He is faithful 'til the end

We speak, happiness to be restored
Rise up and give the glory to the Lord
For in His name, there are miracles!

Our God, is more than able
Our God, will never fail
He is always with us
He is faithful 'til the end
Our God is full of power
Our God, the strongest tower
He is always with us
He is faithful 'til the end

We speak life, we speak life
In the name of Jesus, there is healing
Flowing in this place
As we lift our voice in faith
And we give all the praise
To the One who's worthy of all glory
Jesus is his name
So we lift our voice in praise
And we speak life today, oh!
We speak life, we speak life
In the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus, there is healing
Flowing in this place
As we lift our voice in faith
Come on, give Him the highest praise!
And we give all the praise
To the One who's worthy of all glory
Jesus is his name
So we lift our voice in praise

Oh come on, just give Him praise right now
Jesus be lifted high in this place
We give You all the praise
We worship You
We worship You
Lord, we worship You
Lord, we worship You, alone
Come on, it's the best thing you can do right now
Whatever you're going through, just worship
We worship You
Just draw close to Him
Lord, we worship You
Just give Him all your heart and soul
Lord, we worship You, alone
'Cause there's nothing better to do
Oh, we worship You
Lord, we worship You
Lord, we worship You, alone
With everything that is within us
We worship You
We worship You
'Cause He inhabits the praises of His people
We worship You, hey!
Lord, we worship You, alone
Come on let's take it to another level
Come on and worship!
We worship You
Lord, we worship You
We worship the King of kings
Lord, we worship You, alone
Sing it one more time, we worship
We worship You
Lord, we worship You
Lord, we worship You, alone
Nothing like Your presence, Jesus
We find everything that we need

Come on, whatever you need today
Would you just reach out and take it by faith
The Father knows exactly what you need
Oh we love to be in Your presence, Jesus
There's no place like You
We stand in awe of You, God
We stand in awe of You, God
Come on as you just continue to fix all your thoughts upon Him
'Cause He is worthy to be praised!
Come on, let's just let a big swell of worship rise up to Him
'Cause He is worthy to be praised!
We lift our voice to You, Jesus
We lift up our hands to You, Jesus
'Cause You're worthy to receive!
The highest praise

We Speak Life (Live In Melbourne) Video

We Speak Life (Live In Melbourne) Info

"We Speak Life (Live In Melbourne)" by PlanetShakers is a powerful and uplifting song that speaks of the strength, healing, and miracles that come from speaking life in the name of Jesus. The song was featured in their album "Legacy, Part 2: Passion" and was recorded live during their worship service in Melbourne.

The lyrics of the song encourage believers to speak strength into weary bones, to speak the healing power of the Lord, and to declare that nothing is incurable because we serve a God for whom nothing is impossible. It reminds us that in the name of Jesus, there are miracles waiting to happen.

One scripture verse that relates to the theme of this song is found in Proverbs 18:21 which says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." This verse emphasizes the power of our words and the impact they have on our lives. When we speak life and declare God's promises, we can see His power manifest in our circumstances.

Another verse that comes to mind is Matthew 17:20 where Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." This scripture reminds us that faith-filled words have the power to move mountains and bring about miraculous breakthroughs in our lives.

The song also highlights the faithfulness and power of God. It declares that our God is more than able and will never fail us. It reminds us that He is always with us and that He is faithful until the end. This echoes the promise in Hebrews 13:5 where God says, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." In times of difficulty or uncertainty, we can find comfort and strength in knowing that God is with us and that He is in control.

The song not only focuses on speaking life but also on worshiping God. It encourages believers to lift their voices in faith and give all the praise to the One who is worthy of all glory. It emphasizes the importance of worshiping God, acknowledging His greatness, and giving Him the highest praise. This aligns with Psalm 95:1-2 which says, "Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."

In conclusion, "We Speak Life (Live In Melbourne)" by PlanetShakers is a song that inspires and encourages believers to speak life, declare God's promises, and worship Him with all their hearts. It reminds us of the power of our words, the faithfulness of God, and the importance of praising Him. As we listen to this song, may it ignite our faith, stir up our hearts, and remind us of the miracles that can happen when we speak life in the name of Jesus.
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