The Child Inside You Lyrics Twila Paris

The Child Inside You by Twila Paris

The child inside you found
The child inside of me
The children we had bound
Together set us free
It took a little prince
To make a princess from a dream
The child inside you
Found the child inside of me
The child inside you
Found the child inside of me

The song inside you found
The song inside of me
I didn't hear a sound
But somehow gracefully
A gentle lullaby reached out
And held me tenderly
The song inside you
Found the song inside of me
The song inside you
Found the song inside of me

The child inside you found
The child inside of me
A mile above the ground
It's only you and me
It took a little boy
To make a little girl believe
The child inside you
Found the child inside of me
The child inside you
Found the child inside of me

The Child Inside You Video

The Child Inside You Info

"The Child Inside You" is a beautiful song by Twila Paris that speaks to the childlike wonder and innocence that we often lose as we grow older. It reminds us of the importance of embracing our inner child and the freedom and joy that comes with it.

The song begins with the lines, "The child inside you found, the child inside of me. The children we had bound, together set us free." These lyrics suggest that there is a childlike spirit within each of us that longs to be set free. It is a reminder that no matter how old we are, we still have that childlike wonder and curiosity deep within us.

As we listen to the song, we can't help but be reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:3, where He says, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." This verse speaks to the importance of having childlike faith and trust in God. It is a reminder that we need to approach God with the innocence and trust of a child, believing wholeheartedly in His love and goodness.

The lyrics continue, "It took a little prince, to make a princess from a dream. The child inside you, found the child inside of me." These lines suggest that it is often through the influence of others, particularly those who have a childlike spirit, that we are able to reconnect with our own inner child. Just as a little prince can awaken the dreams and imagination of a princess, so too can the child inside one person awaken the child inside another.

This idea of the child inside of us being awakened by someone else is reminiscent of the story of Jesus and the children in Mark 10:13-16. In this story, parents were bringing their children to Jesus so that He could bless them. The disciples, however, rebuked the parents and tried to keep the children away. But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Jesus recognized the importance of children and their childlike faith, and He encouraged us to embrace that same childlike faith in our relationship with Him.

As the song progresses, it speaks of a song inside of us that is awakened by someone else. The lyrics say, "The song inside you found, the song inside of me. I didn't hear a sound, but somehow gracefully. A gentle lullaby reached out and held me tenderly." These lines paint a picture of the power of music and how it can touch our hearts and awaken something deep within us. It is a reminder of the power of worship and how it can draw us closer to God.

Overall, "The Child Inside You" is a beautiful reminder of the importance of embracing our inner child and approaching God with a childlike faith. It encourages us to let go of the burdens and worries of adulthood and to reconnect with the joy and wonder of our youth. It is a reminder that no matter how old we are, we still have that childlike spirit within us, waiting to be set free. So let us embrace our inner child and allow it to lead us into a deeper relationship with God.
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