Burnin' Lyrics Nichole Nordeman

Burnin' by Nichole Nordeman

Started rubbing sticks together
I thought a spark would take forever
I never dreamt this fire would appear

When Moses saw the Bush in flames
And heard the branches speak his name
I wonder if he felt this kind of fear

'Cause I'm burnin'
Yeah, I'm burnin'
And I know I'm gonna blister in these flames
So I'll stay here
'Till this smoke clears
And I'll find you in the ashes that remain

Used to be that I could say
My faith was one arm's length away
From any flame that ever felt too warm

Asked for matches, but I recieved
A gallon full of gasoline
Now my cozy campfire days are gone

'Cause I'm burnin'
Yeah I'm burnin'
And I know I'm gonna blister in these flames
So I'll stay here
'Till this smoke clears
And I'll find you in the ashes that remain

'Knock with caution at the door'
They said, 'Beware of what you're praying for'

So I'll stand here with my whole desire
In the middle of this forest fire
'Till I've nothing left to show
And new life begins to grow...

Burnin' Video

Burnin' Info

"Burnin' by Nichole Nordeman" is a powerful and thought-provoking song that explores the idea of being consumed by a fire, both metaphorically and spiritually. The lyrics speak of a burning passion, a desire to draw nearer to God, and the fear and uncertainty that can come with that journey.

The song begins with the image of rubbing sticks together, symbolizing the effort and intentionality required to ignite a fire. This can be seen as a metaphor for our own pursuit of God and our desire to experience His presence in our lives. We often start off with a spark, a small glimmer of faith, but we never anticipate how that fire will grow and the challenges it will bring.

The reference to Moses and the burning bush is significant in understanding the message of the song. When Moses encountered the burning bush, he was filled with fear and awe at the presence of God. In a similar way, the singer wonders if Moses felt the same kind of fear that she is experiencing as she draws closer to God. It is a reminder that encountering God's presence can be both exhilarating and terrifying.

As the song progresses, the lyrics express a sense of being consumed by the flames. The singer acknowledges that the fire will cause pain and discomfort, but she is willing to endure it in order to find God in the midst of the ashes. This speaks to the idea of surrendering ourselves completely to God, even when it means going through difficult and refining experiences.

The theme of burning and fire is a common motif in Scripture, often representing purification and a refining process. In 1 Peter 1:7, it says, "These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold." This verse echoes the sentiment of the song, highlighting the transformative nature of the fire we experience in our faith journey.

The chorus of the song repeats the phrase "I'm burnin'," emphasizing the intensity and urgency of the singer's desire to draw closer to God. It is a cry of surrender, a recognition that the fire is not something to be avoided or feared, but rather embraced as a means of drawing nearer to God.

Nordeman's poignant lyrics and emotive vocals bring the message of the song to life, inviting listeners to reflect on their own journey of faith and the challenges that come with pursuing a deeper relationship with God. The song serves as a reminder that while the fire may be uncomfortable and painful, it is through the refining process that we are able to find new life and growth in our faith.

Overall, "Burnin' by Nichole Nordeman" is a beautiful and introspective song that explores the themes of passion, surrender, and the transformative power of God's refining fire. It serves as a reminder to embrace the challenges and discomfort that come with drawing nearer to God, knowing that in the midst of the fire, we will find Him.
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