Someday Lyrics Nichole Nordeman

Someday by Nichole Nordeman

I believe in the rest of the story
I believe there's still ink in the pen
I have wasted my very last day
Trying to change what happened way back when

I believe it's the human condition
We all need to have answers to why
More than ever, I'm ready to say that I
Will still sleep peacefully
With answers out of reach from me until?

Someday all that's crazy
All that's unexplained
Will fall into place
And someday all that's hazy
Through a clouded glass
Will be clear at last
And sometimes we're just waiting
For someday

We are born with a lingering hunger
We are born to be unsatisfied
We are strangers who can't help but wander
And dream about the other side of?

Every puzzle's missing piece
Every unsolved mystery
More than half of every whole
Rests in the Hands that hold you for someday?.

Someday Video

Someday Info

"Someday" by Nichole Nordeman is a beautiful and thought-provoking song that speaks to the longing we all have for answers and resolution in life. The lyrics convey a sense of hope and anticipation that someday, all the mysteries and uncertainties we face will be made clear.

The song begins with the line, "I believe in the rest of the story," which immediately captures the essence of the song. It acknowledges that there is more to our lives than what we currently see or understand. It speaks to the deep desire we all have to know the fullness of our own stories and how they fit into the bigger picture.

Nordeman sings about wasting time trying to change the past, recognizing that dwelling on what has already happened is futile. Instead, she looks forward to the day when all the unanswered questions will find their answers. This theme resonates with many people who have experienced pain, loss, or confusion and long for resolution.

In the song, Nordeman also touches on the human condition and our inherent need for answers and meaning. We all have questions that remain unanswered, and sometimes it feels like we are wandering in search of something more. This longing for understanding is universal and speaks to the deeper longing we have for connection and purpose.

Scripture verses that come to mind when listening to "Someday" include 1 Corinthians 13:12, which says, "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." This verse reminds us that our understanding is limited in this life, but someday we will have full knowledge and clarity.

Another verse that resonates with the theme of the song is Romans 8:18, which says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." This verse speaks to the hope we have for a future where all the pain and confusion we experience now will pale in comparison to the glory that awaits us.

"Someday" encourages us to hold onto hope and trust that there is a bigger story being written. It reminds us that we are not alone in our longing for answers and resolution. The song invites us to surrender our need for control and to rest in the assurance that someday, all will be made clear.

In conclusion, "Someday" by Nichole Nordeman is a powerful song that speaks to our longing for answers and resolution. Its lyrics capture the universal desire to understand the deeper meaning of our lives and find resolution in the midst of uncertainty. The song is an invitation to trust in the rest of the story, knowing that someday, all the mysteries will be revealed.
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