How Do I Thank You Lyrics Mosaic MSC

How Do I Thank You by Mosaic MSC

How do I thank you
For all of the ways
All of the ways
You've come through
How do I thank you

How do I thank you
For all of the doors
I've walked through
How do I thank you

And how can I say it
When no words in any language
Could summarize the love I have for you
I am filled with endless gratitude
But how do I thank you

How do I thank you
For all of the hurt
And all of the pain
I got through
How do I thank you

How I do I thank you
For all of the doors
You kept me from going through
How do I thank you

How can I say it
When no words in any language
Could summarize the love I have for you
I am filled with endless gratitude
But how do I thank you

For all that you've given me
I am in debt to you
This is my offering
This is my gratitude

For all that you've done for me
I give myself to you
I am here at your feet
This is my thanks to you

How do I thank you
For all of the ways
All of the ways
You've come through
How do I thank you

How do I thank you
For all of the doors
I've walked through
How do I thank you

How Do I Thank You Video

How Do I Thank You Info

The song "How Do I Thank You" by Mosaic MSC is a beautiful expression of gratitude and praise to God. With heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, this song invites listeners to reflect on the countless ways God has come through for us and to consider how we can express our thanks.

The song begins with the question, "How do I thank you for all of the ways, all of the ways you've come through?" This line sets the tone for the entire song, as it acknowledges that God has been faithful and has come through for us in countless ways. It is a reminder that we have so much to be grateful for and that our gratitude should overflow.

Throughout the song, Mosaic MSC explores different aspects of thankfulness. They reflect on the doors they have walked through and the doors that God has kept them from going through. This imagery speaks to the idea that God's guidance and protection have been instrumental in their journey. It reminds us that God's hand is at work in our lives, even in the moments when we may not fully understand or appreciate it.

The lyrics also touch on the idea of thanking God for the hurt and pain they have experienced. This is a powerful concept because it acknowledges that even in our trials, God is still working for our good. It aligns with the biblical truth found in Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse reminds us that even in our difficulties, God is at work, and we can trust Him.

One of the standout lines in the song is, "How can I say it when no words in any language could summarize the love I have for you?" This line beautifully captures the sentiment of the entire song. It acknowledges that there are no words that can fully express our gratitude and love for God. It speaks to the overwhelming nature of God's love and the awe and wonder that it inspires within us.

The song concludes with a powerful declaration of surrender and offering. The lyrics say, "For all that you've given me, I am in debt to you. This is my offering, this is my gratitude." This is a reminder that our gratitude should not just be a feeling or an emotion but should be reflected in our actions and in our surrender to God. Romans 12:1 says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship." This verse reminds us that our gratitude should lead us to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God.

Overall, "How Do I Thank You" is a powerful and heartfelt song that encourages us to reflect on God's faithfulness and to express our gratitude in tangible ways. It reminds us that our thankfulness should not just be a fleeting moment but should be a lifestyle of surrender and worship. As we listen to this song, may it inspire us to continually seek ways to thank and praise God for all He has done and continues to do in our lives.
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