Mercy Lyrics Mosaic MSC

Mercy by Mosaic MSC

The kindness of heaven is here in Your presence
You move with compassion, You reach out to pull me closer
Your river of mercy, a stream never-ending
The strength of Your love will carry me

Who can stand against?
My God has strong and open hands
That cover me in mercy
He covers me in mercy
Your mercy covers me

Out of the ashes eternity promised
Extravagant goodness and patience abundant
I've been forgiven, my failures forgotten
The strength of Your love will carry me

Who can stand against?
My God has strong and open hands
That cover me in mercy
He covers me in mercy
Your mercy covers me
Who can stand against?
My God has strong and open hands
That cover me in mercy
He covers me in mercy

Compassion, forgiveness
The strength in my weakness
Devoted, sufficient
Your love bridged the distance
Compassion, forgiveness
The strength in my weakness
Devoted, sufficient
Your love bridged the distance
Compassion, forgiveness
The strength in my weakness
Devoted, sufficient
Your love bridged the distance
Oh, what kindness in Your presence
My salvation

(Who can stand?) Who can stand against?
(My God) My God has strong and open hands
(That cover me) That cover me in mercy
(He covers me) He covers me in mercy
(He covers me) Your mercy covers me
Who can stand against? (who can stand against?)
My God has strong and open hands
(That cover me) That cover me in mercy
He covers me in mercy
Your mercy covers me

Mercy Video

Mercy Info

"Mercy" by Mosaic MSC is a powerful worship song that beautifully captures the overwhelming love and compassion of God. From the lyrics to the melody, this song resonates with the hearts of believers, reminding us of the unfailing mercy and grace of our Heavenly Father.

The song begins by acknowledging the kindness of heaven and the presence of God. It highlights how God moves with compassion and reaches out to pull us closer to Him. It paints a picture of God's river of mercy, a never-ending stream that flows with love and forgiveness. This imagery reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed or how broken we may feel, God's love and mercy are always available to us.

The chorus of the song declares, "Who can stand against? My God has strong and open hands that cover me in mercy." This line beautifully captures the truth of Scripture. In Romans 8:31, we are reminded that if God is for us, who can be against us? The strong and open hands of God symbolize His power and protection. It is through His mercy that we find redemption and salvation.

As the song continues, it emphasizes the extravagant goodness and patience of God. It speaks of being forgiven and having our failures forgotten. This echoes the message of Psalm 103:12, which says, "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." God's mercy erases our past mistakes and offers us a fresh start.

The bridge of the song dives deeper into the theme of mercy. It speaks of God's compassion, forgiveness, and strength in our weaknesses. It acknowledges that His love bridges the distance between us and Him. This reminds us of 2 Corinthians 12:9, where the apostle Paul writes, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'" God's mercy and grace are not dependent on our own strength or abilities. It is in our weaknesses that we truly experience the power and sufficiency of His love.

The song "Mercy" by Mosaic MSC is a beautiful expression of the mercy and love of God. It reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed or how broken we may feel, God's mercy is always available to us. It encourages us to come to Him, knowing that His strong and open hands will cover us in love and forgiveness.

Through the biblical references and powerful lyrics, this song inspires us to trust in God's mercy and to seek His presence. It reminds us that His mercy is not based on our own merits or performance, but on His unfailing love. As we listen to this song, may it be a reminder of the depth of God's mercy and a call to respond with gratitude and worship.
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