This Is The Song We Sing Lyrics Merle Haggard

This Is The Song We Sing by Merle Haggard

This the song we sing this is the song we sing
Today it's unfair to say let me do my thing
I have no ax to grind cause I keep myself in line
I'm right the world is wrong this is our song.

I live my life no thought in mind I'm free and I do as I please
As long as nobody gets hurt in the game then I blow along with the breeze
There may be some children who'll search for a name
And wonder why mom doesn't know
But when we have a way of forgetting with time
A good time we had long ago.

This is the song we sing this is the song we sing
Today it's unfair to say let me do my thing
I have no ax to grind cause I keep myself in line
I'm right the world is wrong this is our song.

This is the song we sing this is the song we sing
Today it's unfair to say let me do my thing
I have no ax to grind cause I keep myself in line
I'm right the world is wrong this is our song.

This is the song we sing this is the song we sing
Today it's unfair to say let me do my thing
I have no ax to grind cause I keep myself in line
I'm right the world is wrong this is our song...

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This Is The Song We Sing Info

"This Is The Song We Sing" is a powerful and introspective song by the legendary country artist, Merle Haggard. Known for his raw and authentic storytelling, Haggard delivers a message of individualism and self-expression in this song.

The lyrics of "This Is The Song We Sing" convey a sense of freedom and defiance against societal norms. Haggard sings, "Today it's unfair to say let me do my thing, I have no ax to grind cause I keep myself in line, I'm right the world is wrong, this is our song." These lines reflect Haggard's belief in staying true to oneself and not conforming to the expectations of others. It is a reminder that each person has the right to live their life as they see fit, as long as it doesn't harm others.

In a world that often tries to dictate how we should live and what we should believe, "This Is The Song We Sing" encourages listeners to embrace their individuality and follow their own path. It is a call to be unapologetically true to oneself, even if it means going against the grain.

This theme resonates with several scripture verses that emphasize the importance of personal conviction and staying true to one's beliefs. In Romans 12:2, it says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This verse encourages believers to resist the pressures of the world and instead seek God's will for their lives.

Similarly, Galatians 1:10 states, "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." This verse reminds us that our primary focus should be on pleasing God, rather than seeking the approval of others.

While "This Is The Song We Sing" may not mention God or faith directly, its message of individualism and staying true to oneself aligns with the principles found in these scripture verses. It encourages listeners to find their own voice and live in accordance with their personal convictions, rather than conforming to societal expectations.

Merle Haggard's ability to capture the human experience through his music is what made him such a beloved and influential artist. "This Is The Song We Sing" is a testament to his songwriting prowess and his ability to connect with listeners on a deep level. It serves as a reminder to embrace our individuality and live authentically, even in a world that may try to steer us in a different direction.

In conclusion, "This Is The Song We Sing" by Merle Haggard is a powerful anthem of self-expression and individualism. It encourages listeners to stay true to themselves and not conform to societal norms. While it may not reference scripture directly, its message aligns with verses that emphasize the importance of personal conviction and staying true to one's beliefs. Haggard's ability to capture the human experience through his music is what made him a legendary figure in country music, and "This Is The Song We Sing" is a testament to his songwriting prowess and his ability to connect with his audience.
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