The Roots Of My Raising Lyrics Merle Haggard

The Roots Of My Raising by Merle Haggard

I left the four lane highway took a blacktop seven miles
Down by the old country school I went to as a child
Two miles down a gravel road I could see the proud old home
A tribute to a way of life that's almost come and gone.

The roots of my raising run deep
I come back for the strength that I need
And hope comes no matter how far down
I sink the roots of my raising run deep.

I pulled into the driveway Lord it sure was good to be there
And through the open door I could see that dad was asleep in his favorite chair
In his hand was a picture of mom and I remembered how close they were
So I just turned away I didn't want to wake him spoil his dreams of her.

A christian Mom who had the strength for life the way she did
Then to pull that apron off and do the Charleston for us kids
Dad a quiet man who's gentle voice was seldom heard
Who could borrow money at the bank simply on his word.

The roots of my raisin' run deep
I come back for the strength that I need
And hope comes no matter how far down
I sink the roots of my raising run deep.

The roots of my raisin' run deep...

The Roots Of My Raising Video

The Roots Of My Raising Info

"The Roots Of My Raising" by Merle Haggard is a heartfelt and nostalgic song that reflects on the importance of one's upbringing and the lasting impact it has on a person's life. With his distinctive voice and honest lyrics, Haggard takes us on a journey back to his childhood and pays tribute to the values and traditions that shaped him into the person he is today.

The song begins with Haggard leaving the busy highway and taking a detour down memory lane. He drives down a gravel road, passing by the old country school he attended as a child. This sets the stage for the nostalgic trip down memory lane that follows.

Haggard sings about his family home, a symbol of a way of life that is fading away. He recognizes the importance of his roots and the strength they provide him. He says, "The roots of my raising run deep, I come back for the strength that I need." This line encapsulates the central theme of the song – the power and significance of one's upbringing.

As Haggard arrives at his childhood home, he sees his father asleep in his favorite chair, holding a picture of his late mother. This image evokes a sense of longing and loss, but also emphasizes the deep love and connection within the family. Haggard reminisces about his mother, a Christian woman who had the strength to navigate life's challenges and still find joy in dancing the Charleston for her children. He also praises his father, a quiet and honorable man who was respected in the community.

The song beautifully captures the influence of family and the values they instill in us. It reminds us of the importance of honoring and preserving our roots, no matter how much the world around us changes. Haggard's lyrics resonate with anyone who has experienced the profound impact of their upbringing on their identity and character.

When reflecting on the theme of the song, several scripture verses come to mind. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This verse emphasizes the lasting impact of a godly upbringing and the importance of passing down faith and values to the next generation.

Another relevant verse is Ephesians 6:4, which says, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." This verse highlights the responsibility parents have in raising their children in a way that honors God and lays a solid foundation for their future.

"The Roots Of My Raising" is not only a reflection on Haggard's personal upbringing but also a reminder for all of us to appreciate and honor the roots that have shaped us. It serves as a call to preserve and pass on the values and traditions that have guided us, just as Haggard's parents did for him.

In conclusion, "The Roots Of My Raising" by Merle Haggard is a poignant and reflective song that captures the power of one's upbringing and the lasting impact it has on their life. Through heartfelt lyrics and personal anecdotes, Haggard reminds us of the importance of honoring our roots and the values that have shaped us. It serves as a reminder to cherish our family and the traditions that have guided us, just as Haggard does in this beautiful tribute to his upbringing.
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