Reno Blues (Philadelphia Lawyer) Lyrics Merle Haggard

Reno Blues (Philadelphia Lawyer) by Merle Haggard

Way out in Reno, Nevada
Where romance blooms and fades
A great Philadelphia lawyer
Was in love with a Hollywood maid.

"Come, love, and we will wander
"Down where the lights are bright
"I'll win you a divorce from your husband
"And we can get married tonight."

Wild Bill was a gun-totin' cowboy
Ten notches were carved in his gun
An' all the boys around Reno
Left Wild Bill's maiden alone.

One night when he was returning
From ridin' the range in the cold
He dreamed of his Hollywood sweetheart
Her love was as lasting as gold.

As he grew near her window
A shadow he saw on the shade
'Twas the great Philadelphia lawyer
Makin' love to Bill's Hollywood maid.

The night was as still as the desert
And the moon hangin' high overhead
Bill listened a while to the lawyer
He could hear ev'ry word that they said...

"Your hands are so pretty and lovely
"Your form's so rare and divine
"Come go with me to the city
"And leave this wild cowboy behind."

Now back in old Pennsylvania
Among the beautiful pines
There's one less Philadelphia lawyer
In old Philadelphia tonight...

Reno Blues (Philadelphia Lawyer) Video

Reno Blues (Philadelphia Lawyer) Info

"Reno Blues (Philadelphia Lawyer)" is a classic country song by the legendary Merle Haggard. Released in 1970 as part of his album "Haggard Like Never Before," this song tells a story of love, betrayal, and the consequences of one's actions. It's a tale that captures the essence of human emotions and the choices we make in relationships.

The song opens in Reno, Nevada, where the protagonist, a Philadelphia lawyer, falls in love with a Hollywood maid. Reno is known as the divorce capital of the world, and the lawyer promises to win her a divorce from her husband so they can be together. This sets the stage for a forbidden romance and the potential destruction it may bring.

As the story unfolds, we learn about Wild Bill, a gun-toting cowboy who is in love with the Hollywood maid. The lyrics describe him as a tough and experienced cowboy with ten notches carved in his gun, symbolizing the lives he may have taken. Despite his rough exterior, Wild Bill's love for the maid is deep and unwavering.

The song paints a vivid picture of the conflict between the lawyer and Wild Bill. It brings to mind the age-old battle between good and evil, between the city slicker and the rugged cowboy. The lawyer, with his fancy words and promises, tries to persuade the Hollywood maid to leave Wild Bill and come with him to the city. But Wild Bill, though he may be rough around the edges, is devoted and steadfast in his love.

In this story, we see themes of loyalty, deceit, and the consequences of one's choices. It reminds me of Proverbs 12:22, which says, "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy." The lawyer's attempts to win the Hollywood maid away from Wild Bill are rooted in deception and betrayal, which ultimately lead to his downfall.

The song also reflects the power of love and the lengths we are willing to go for it. Wild Bill's love for the Hollywood maid is so strong that he dreams of her and is willing to fight for their relationship. This reminds me of 1 Corinthians 13:7, which says, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Wild Bill's love endures even in the face of betrayal, and he remains steadfast in his commitment.

Overall, "Reno Blues (Philadelphia Lawyer)" is a captivating country song that tells a compelling story of love, loyalty, and the consequences of our actions. Merle Haggard's heartfelt delivery and the rich storytelling make this song a timeless classic in the world of country music. It serves as a reminder of the power of love and the importance of remaining true to our commitments.
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