Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans Lyrics Merle Haggard

Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans by Merle Haggard

In downtown Modesto I was workin' the Holiday Inn
I would stick with a gig that would last us throughout the weekend
I was singing a new song I'd wrote on the way into town
When she came in the front door and found her a place to sit down.

Hey I knew right away that she like the words to my song
Cause she stared at my git guitar and followed my fingers too long
And she had the likeness of a girl I'd seen in my dreams
But lights can do wonders with make up and faded blue jeans.

And the last thing I needed was somebody messin' up my mind
So I found a hundred reasons for lookin' her way one more time
She could cause me to sing bad and fall out of love with guitar
And blow all my chances at bein' a big singing star.

With one passin' glance I could tell she was young for her age
Yeah she got to looking better as she got down closer to the stage
And as she sipped on her wine I knew just the kind she would be
And somehow I knew she was here to the bad things to me.

And the last thing I needed was somebody messin' up my mind
So I found a hundred reasons for lookin' her way one more time
She could cause me to sing bad and fall out of love with guitar
And blow all my chances at bein' a big singing star.

She could cause me to sing bad and fall out of love with guitar
And blow all my chances at bein' a big singing star...

Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans Video

Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans Info

"Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans" is a classic country song by Merle Haggard that tells a story of temptation and the struggle to resist it. The song was released in 1980 as part of Haggard's album "Back to the Barrooms" and has since become one of his most beloved tracks.

The song begins with Haggard singing about performing at the Holiday Inn in downtown Modesto. He describes how he notices a woman in the audience who catches his attention. He is drawn to her beauty and the way she seems to be captivated by his music. However, he also recognizes the danger she poses to his career and personal life.

Haggard sings about the conflict within himself as he tries to resist the temptation this woman represents. He knows that getting involved with her could lead to trouble and jeopardize his chances of becoming a successful singer. He worries that she could distract him from his passion for music and cause him to lose sight of his dreams.

The lyrics of the song convey a sense of self-awareness and caution. Haggard acknowledges the power this woman holds over him and the potential consequences of giving in to desire. He understands that appearances can be deceiving, as indicated by the line "But lights can do wonders with make up and faded blue jeans." He recognizes that what may seem enticing at first glance may not be what it appears to be.

In a broader sense, "Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans" can be seen as a cautionary tale about the temptations we face in life. It reminds us to be discerning and not to be swayed by superficial allure. It serves as a reminder that sometimes what seems appealing on the surface can lead us down a destructive path.

From a biblical perspective, the song aligns with the theme of temptation and the importance of resisting it. In the book of James, it says, "Each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death" (James 1:14-15).

The song also speaks to the idea of staying focused on one's purpose and not allowing distractions to lead us astray. In the book of Proverbs, it says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23). Haggard's internal struggle in the song reflects the importance of staying true to one's calling and not being swayed by fleeting pleasures.

Overall, "Make-Up And Faded Blue Jeans" is a poignant and relatable song that explores the universal themes of temptation and the struggle to resist it. Through its storytelling and introspective lyrics, it serves as a reminder to stay true to oneself and to be cautious of the allure of temporary pleasures.
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