Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives Lyrics Merle Haggard

Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives by Merle Haggard

Since we first said I love you it's been twenty years tonight
I moved by and love refused to go
It seems like only yesterday or maybe just last summer
Most of all a year or so ago.

Don't seem like we've been together all our lives
Don't seem like we've been settled down since we got out of school
I'd have thought we'd still love each other when twilight years arive
Don't seem like we've been together all our lives.

The baby came in April of 1964
She'd look like me but still she favour you
I can't believe the years have already come and gone
Seem like everything we own is nearly new.

Don't seem like we've been together all our lives
Don't seem like we've been settled down since we got out of school
I'd have thought we'd still love each other when twilight years arive
Don't seem like we've been together all our lives.

Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives Video

Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives Info

"Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives" is a heartfelt country song by Merle Haggard that reflects on a long-term relationship. From the first verse, it's clear that the couple has been together for a significant amount of time – twenty years to be exact. The lyrics express the sentiment that despite the passage of time, their love feels as fresh as it did when they first uttered those three little words, "I love you."

The song opens with Haggard reminiscing about the early days of their relationship. He mentions that it feels like only yesterday or maybe just last summer, emphasizing the swift passage of time. This sentiment is relatable to many people who have experienced the feeling of time slipping away unnoticed, especially in the context of a long-term relationship.

Throughout the song, Haggard reflects on the milestones they have reached together. He mentions the birth of their child in April of 1964, highlighting the way their love has been passed down through generations. Despite the years that have come and gone, he marvels at how everything they own still feels new. This speaks to the enduring nature of their love and how it has remained vibrant and alive throughout the years.

The title of the song, "Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives," encapsulates the main theme of the song. Despite the passage of time, Haggard expresses his surprise at how their love has not diminished but rather feels as fresh as ever. It's a testament to the depth and strength of their connection.

In a biblical context, this song reminds me of the scriptural verse from 1 Corinthians 13:7, which states, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." The lyrics of the song exemplify this idea of enduring love. It's a love that has weathered the storms of life and remains steadfast even after many years have passed. It's a love that has borne the weight of challenges and still believes in the power of their bond.

The song speaks to the beauty of commitment and the joy that can be found in a long-lasting relationship. It reminds us that love is not just a fleeting emotion but a choice to stand by someone through the ups and downs of life. It's a celebration of the depth and richness that can be found in a love that withstands the test of time.

In conclusion, "Don't Seem Like We've Been Together All Our Lives" by Merle Haggard is a poignant country song that reflects on a long-term relationship. It captures the surprise and delight that can be found in a love that remains fresh and vibrant despite the passage of time. The song reminds us of the enduring nature of love and the beauty that can be found in a committed relationship. It serves as a reminder that love is not just a feeling but a choice to stand by someone through all of life's seasons.
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