Don't Get Married Lyrics Merle Haggard

Don't Get Married by Merle Haggard

Julie they've taken me to prison
I pulled the gun and robbed the jewelry store
The only thing I took was that big diamond
You know the one you said you wish was yours.

The diamond in the window called for money
The price was just too much for me to pay
But the price I'm paying now is so much bigger
Oh Julie, don't I have the right to say.

Don't get married, Julie wait for me
Don't get married 'cause someday I'll be free.


Julie, when I serve the time they gave me
I'll walk out through the gates and I'll be free
I hope you didn't only want the diamond
'Cause I pray that you also wanted me.

Don't get married, Julie wait for me
Don't get married 'cause someday I'll be free...

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Don't Get Married Info

"Don't Get Married" is a poignant and heartfelt song by country music legend Merle Haggard. Released in 1967 as part of his album "Branded Man," the song tells a story of love, sacrifice, and the consequences of one's actions. Through its powerful lyrics and Haggard's soulful delivery, the song touches on themes of regret, redemption, and the enduring power of love.

The song follows the narrative of a man named Julie, who has been imprisoned for robbing a jewelry store to get a diamond for his lover. Julie reflects on his actions, expressing remorse for the choices he made. He acknowledges the high price he paid for his actions, both in terms of the crime itself and the potential loss of his relationship with Julie. He pleads with her not to get married while he serves his time, hoping that she will wait for him to be free.

The lyrics of "Don't Get Married" elicit a range of emotions, from sadness and regret to hope and longing. The song explores the consequences of our decisions and the impact they can have on our lives and relationships. It serves as a reminder that actions have consequences and that sometimes we must pay a heavy price for our mistakes.

In a biblical context, the song echoes the themes of redemption and forgiveness found throughout scripture. The story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32, for example, shares similarities with the narrative of "Don't Get Married." Both stories involve individuals who make poor choices and suffer the consequences of their actions. However, in both cases, there is hope for redemption and reconciliation. The prodigal son is welcomed back by his father with open arms, and the song's protagonist hopes for a similar outcome with his lover.

Furthermore, the song speaks to the power of love and the strength of relationships. The Bible emphasizes the importance of love and commitment in relationships, with verses like Ephesians 5:25 reminding husbands to love their wives sacrificially. In "Don't Get Married," the protagonist's love for Julie is evident in his plea for her to wait for him and his desire for their relationship to withstand the challenges they face.

Merle Haggard's "Don't Get Married" is a timeless song that resonates with listeners due to its emotional depth and relatable themes. It serves as a reminder of the consequences of our actions and the power of love and forgiveness. The song's narrative and heartfelt lyrics, combined with Haggard's soulful delivery, make it a standout track in his discography.

In conclusion, "Don't Get Married" is a powerful and emotionally charged song that delves into themes of regret, redemption, and the enduring power of love. It tells a compelling story of sacrifice and the consequences of one's actions, while also exploring biblical themes of forgiveness and the importance of love and commitment in relationships. Merle Haggard's heartfelt delivery and the song's relatable lyrics make it a timeless classic in the country music genre.
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