Carolyn Lyrics Merle Haggard

Carolyn by Merle Haggard

Carolyn let me tell you what I've heard about a man today
He didn't come home from work and he went away
Till he came to a city bright in the night time like day.

There they say he met up with some women dressed in yellow and scarlet
Their warm lips like a honeycomb dripped with honey
Somethin' about the smell of strange perfume made him feel warm and not alone.

Yes Carolyn, a man will do that sometimes on his own and sometimes when he's lonely
And I believe that man might do that sometimes out of spite
But Carolyn a man will do that always when he's treated bad at home.

Yes Carolyn, a man will do that sometimes on his own and sometimes when he's lonely
And I believe that man might do that sometimes out of spite
But Carolyn a man will do that always when he's treated bad at home...

Carolyn Video

Carolyn Info

"Carolyn" is a poignant and introspective song by the legendary country artist Merle Haggard. Released in 1971, it tells the story of a man who strays from his marriage due to feeling unloved and unappreciated at home. The song delves into the human emotions of loneliness, temptation, and the consequences of one's actions.

The inspiration behind the song seems to stem from personal experiences in Haggard's own life. He had a tumultuous relationship with his first wife, Bonnie Owens, which eventually ended in divorce. The lyrics of "Carolyn" reflect the struggles and conflicts that can arise within a marriage, and the decision to seek solace elsewhere when one feels neglected.

The opening lines of the song set the stage for the narrative: "Carolyn, let me tell you what I've heard about a man today. He didn't come home from work and he went away." This immediately grabs the listener's attention and piques curiosity about the man's whereabouts and what led him to leave. Haggard's storytelling ability shines as he paints a vivid picture of the man's encounter with women dressed in yellow and scarlet, their warm lips like honey dripping with temptation.

The song delves into the complex human emotions that can lead someone astray. It explores the feelings of loneliness and the desire for companionship that can overwhelm an individual when they feel unloved or unappreciated in their own home. Sometimes, a person may seek comfort in the arms of another out of spite or as a response to mistreatment. However, the song suggests that a man will always be driven to infidelity when he is treated poorly at home.

While "Carolyn" does not explicitly reference any specific scripture verses, it touches upon themes found in the Bible. The song speaks to the universal human struggle between temptation and fidelity, which can be seen in various biblical narratives. For example, the story of King David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) illustrates the consequences of giving in to temptation and straying from one's commitments. It serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of infidelity.

The somber and introspective tone of "Carolyn" allows listeners to reflect on the complexities of relationships and the consequences of our actions. It serves as a reminder that love, respect, and communication are crucial in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership. Without these essential elements, one may be driven to seek solace in the wrong places, leading to heartache and regret.

In conclusion, "Carolyn" is a powerful and thought-provoking song by Merle Haggard. It delves into the emotional struggles within a marriage, exploring themes of loneliness, temptation, and the consequences of infidelity. Though not explicitly referencing scripture, it touches upon universal themes found in biblical narratives, reminding us of the importance of love, fidelity, and communication in relationships. Haggard's storytelling ability and emotive delivery make "Carolyn" a timeless country classic that continues to resonate with listeners today.
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