Stand Lyrics Matthew West

Stand by Matthew West

It was an ordinary morning
At the school upon the hill
The sun was slowly rising
The flag was standing still
And the students were rushing
To face anoter day

But in the middle of the madness
There was one who made her way
She was standing at the flagpole
She bowed her head to pray
She said "I, I will not be afraid."

Who will stand, stand together
Heart to heart reaching out for love
Hand in hand with each other
By God's grace, who will stand?

Now everyone was watching
Staring at the girl
Some of them were laughing
And calling her a fool
They said "She, ohh she will stand alone"

But one by one they stepped out
One by one they came
Breaking formt heir silence
With a simple act of faith
They said "We, no we are not ashamed"

We will stand, stand together
Heart to heart reaching out for love
Hand in hand with each other
By God's grace, we will stand

And we will stand up for what we believe
We will stand up for our freedom
we wills tand up for one nation under God
With liberty and justice for all!


Stand Video

Stand Info

"Stand" by Matthew West is a powerful and inspiring song that encourages listeners to stand up for their faith and not be afraid to live it out boldly. With its catchy melodies and uplifting lyrics, this song has the ability to resonate with people from all walks of life.

The song begins by setting the scene at a school, where a girl bravely decides to pray at the flagpole despite the ridicule and judgment from her peers. This act of courage sparks a chain reaction, as others begin to join her in prayer, breaking their silence and standing up for what they believe in.

The theme of standing up for one's beliefs is a recurring theme in the Bible. In Ephesians 6:13, it says, "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." This verse reminds us that as believers, we are called to stand firm in our faith, even in the face of opposition or ridicule.

The song also emphasizes the importance of unity and standing together. In the chorus, it says, "Who will stand, stand together. Heart to heart reaching out for love. Hand in hand with each other. By God's grace, who will stand?" This echoes the sentiment expressed in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, which speaks of the strength and support found in unity: "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up… Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves."

The song also highlights the importance of prayer and seeking God's guidance in standing up for our faith. The girl in the song bows her head to pray, and this simple act ignites a movement of faith. This is reminiscent of Matthew 18:20, where Jesus says, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." When we come together in prayer, God's presence is there, and He empowers us to stand strong in our beliefs.

Matthew West is known for his ability to connect with his audience through his music, and "Stand" is no exception. The song's message of courage, unity, and faith resonates with listeners and encourages them to live out their faith boldly. It serves as a reminder that we are not alone in our journey, and that by standing together, we can make a difference.

In conclusion, "Stand" by Matthew West is a powerful song that inspires listeners to stand up for their faith and not be afraid to live it out boldly. Its message of courage, unity, and prayer aligns with biblical principles and encourages believers to stand firm in their beliefs. This song serves as a reminder that we are not alone in our journey and that by standing together, we can make a difference in the world.
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