Nothing's Beyond Broken Lyrics Chris August

Nothing's Beyond Broken by Chris August

There's a depression
I feel it pressing in my chest
There's not a question
You are the way to make it rest

You can take death away
Who can do such a thing
Nothing in the world could contest

There's a depression
But you are greater than the mess

You make the broken something better than it was
You take a bad thing add change and watch what it becomes

So here is my heart
And it's barely beating
And you are the one
That I know it's needing
You have spoken
Nothing's beyond broken

When I am wrestling
With a failure in my life
Remember the lesson
You turn the water into wine

You can take death away
Who can do such a thing
This is what it means to be blessed
It is your message
This is your design

You make the broken something better than it was
You take a bad thing add change and watch what it becomes

So here is my heart
And it's barely beating
And you are the one
That I know it's needing
You have spoken
Nothing's beyond broken

You take the darkest of skies
And you make a starry night
Turning the sinners to saints
When I see the valley of death
I will remember you said
Keep my eyes on you
On you

If you can take a cross
And resurrect up something good
You can do the same for me

You make the broken something better than it was
You take a bad thing add change and watch what it becomes

So here is my heart
And it's barely beating
And you are the one
That I know it's needing
You have spoken
Nothing's beyond broken

There ain't nothing that you can't make better that it was
When it first was made

Nothing's Beyond Broken Video

Nothing's Beyond Broken Info

"Nothing's Beyond Broken" by Chris August is a powerful song that speaks to the depths of our brokenness and the hope that can be found in God's ability to restore and redeem. With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, this song resonates with listeners and reminds them that no matter how broken they may feel, there is always hope for healing and restoration.

The song begins by acknowledging the reality of depression and the heaviness that can weigh on our hearts. It recognizes that there is a deep sadness and brokenness that we all experience at some point in our lives. However, it also affirms that God is the one who can bring rest and peace to our troubled hearts. He has the power to take away the darkness and bring light into our lives.

The chorus of the song declares that God can make the broken something better than it was. He has the ability to take the bad things in our lives and turn them into something beautiful. This idea is rooted in the biblical concept of redemption, where God takes our brokenness and transforms it into something good. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse reminds us that even in our brokenness, God is at work, bringing about good and restoration.

Another verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Psalm 34:18, which says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." This verse reinforces the idea that God is intimately aware of our brokenness and is with us in our pain. He is not distant or uncaring, but rather, He is near, offering comfort and healing to those who are hurting.

The bridge of the song speaks to the incredible power of God to bring life out of death. It references Jesus turning water into wine and reminds us that if God can transform something as ordinary as water into something extraordinary, then He can certainly do the same in our lives. This reference to the miracle of turning water into wine also points to the ultimate miracle of Jesus' death and resurrection, where He took something broken and brought about salvation and new life for all who believe in Him.

Overall, "Nothing's Beyond Broken" is a song that speaks to the universal experience of brokenness and the hope that can be found in God's ability to bring healing and restoration. It reminds us that no matter how broken we may feel, God is greater than our mess and can make something beautiful out of our brokenness. It is a song that encourages listeners to hold onto hope and trust in God's power to bring about transformation in their lives.
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