MothDisa (Interlude) Lyrics Mandisa

MothDisa (Interlude) by Mandisa

I was looking outside the window and this huge Spider web
But there was this like, the most beautiful elaborate Moth, that was on this, on this Spider web...
And the girls were like "Mommy, look at that, is that a butterfly?" I'm like "I think it's a Moth."
And you could tell it was like, tryna get loose, but slowly flapping its wings
But the more it tried to get away from the, the web, it got stuck even more as it tried to set itself loose, right?
And all of a sudden, from the corner, was this big Spider, coming to like you know (devour) devour the Moth...
And then, it starts like, flapping, frantically trying to get loose
And all of a sudden, in desperation I start going BANG to where literally, the, the Moth like, it sets the Moth free (thank you Jesus)
And the Moth flies away, and then the Spider just, goes back up to its quarter

And, I wish'd you could have seen, we were like "Woooh!!!", we were so happy, we were so happy'
And then, I felt like the (Jesus) Holy Spirit said "Disa," (yes!) like, it was just a whisper
It is a testament to me, that He hears His kids, and that the prayers of a righteous person avails much
So it's just kinda like man, Lord, you hear us, you hear us

MothDisa (Interlude) Video

MothDisa (Interlude) Info

"MothDisa (Interlude)" by Mandisa is a captivating song that tells a story of struggle, desperation, and ultimately, deliverance. The interlude begins with Mandisa describing a scene where she sees a moth caught in a spider's web. The moth, beautiful and delicate, is desperately trying to break free from the entanglement. The imagery in this story is powerful and relatable, as it represents the struggles we face in life.

As the moth flaps its wings in an attempt to escape, it only becomes more entangled in the web. This mirrors the times when we try to free ourselves from difficult situations or sin, but instead find ourselves even more trapped. It's a reminder that relying on our own strength and wisdom often leads to further entanglement.

Then, Mandisa introduces the threat of a spider approaching to devour the moth. This represents the enemy, who seeks to destroy us and keep us bound in our struggles. The spider's presence intensifies the moth's desperation, causing it to flap its wings even more frantically.

But then, an intervention occurs. Mandisa starts clapping her hands ("BANG") in an attempt to scare away the spider and free the moth. Miraculously, her actions succeed, and the moth is set free. This moment of deliverance brings joy and relief to Mandisa and those witnessing the event.

In the context of the Christian faith, this story can be seen as a metaphor for our relationship with God. Scripture reminds us that God hears our prayers and is our deliverer. In James 5:16, it says, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." The interlude serves as a reminder that God hears us when we cry out to Him, and He is able to set us free from our struggles.

The title of the song, "MothDisa (Interlude)," cleverly combines the words "Moth" and "Mandisa." This connection makes the story more personal, as Mandisa shares her own experiences and the lessons she has learned. The interlude serves as a bridge between songs on Mandisa's album, "Out of the Dark," and provides a unique and memorable moment for listeners.

Overall, "MothDisa (Interlude)" by Mandisa is a powerful and thought-provoking song that reminds us of God's faithfulness and His ability to deliver us from our struggles. Through the imagery of the moth and the spider, the song conveys a message of hope and encourages us to rely on God's strength rather than our own. It serves as a reminder to trust in Him and seek His intervention in our lives.
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