Just Cry Lyrics Mandisa

Just Cry by Mandisa

Why you gotta act so strong?
Go ahead and take off your brave face
Why you telling me that nothing's wrong
It's obvious your not in a good place
Who's telling you to keep it all inside
And never let those feelings
Get past the corner of your eye

You don't need to run
You don't need to speak
Baby take some time
Let those prayers roll down your cheek
It maybe tomorrow
You'll be past the sorrow
But tonight it's alright
Just cry

I know you know your Sunday songs
A dozen verses by memory
Yeah they're good but life is hard
And days get long
You gotta know God can handle your honesty
So feel the things your feeling
Name your fears and doubts
Don't stuff your shame and sadness, loneliness and anger
Let it out, let it out

You don't need to run
You don't need to speak
Baby take some time
Let those prayers roll down your cheek
It maybe tomorrow
You'll be past the sorrow
But tonight it's alright

Just cry
Just cry

It doesn't mean you don't trust him
It doesn't mean you don't believe
It doesn't mean you don't know
He's redeeming everything.

You don't need to run
You don't need to speak
Baby take some time
Let those prayers roll down your cheek
It maybe tomorrow
You'll be past the sorrow
But tonight it's alright
But tonight it's alright

Just cry

Why you gotta act so strong
Go ahead and take off your brave face

Just Cry Video

Just Cry Info

"Just Cry" by Mandisa is a poignant and heartfelt song that encourages us to embrace our emotions and allow ourselves to be vulnerable before God. It reminds us that it's okay to not always be strong and to let our tears flow freely.

The song opens with the question, "Why you gotta act so strong?" It's a common tendency for us to put on a brave face and pretend like everything is okay, even when we're hurting inside. But Mandisa challenges this notion and encourages us to take off our masks and be honest with ourselves and with God.

In the chorus, she sings, "You don't need to run, you don't need to speak, baby take some time, let those prayers roll down your cheek." This line beautifully captures the essence of the song. It's a reminder that we don't need to hide our pain or put on a façade of strength. Instead, we can take the time to pour out our hearts to God through our tears.

The lyrics also emphasize the importance of acknowledging our feelings and not suppressing them. Mandisa sings, "Who's telling you to keep it all inside and never let those feelings get past the corner of your eye?" Society often tells us to bury our emotions, to put on a brave face and soldier on. But this song challenges that notion and encourages us to be real, to be vulnerable, and to cry when we need to.

The song's message aligns with several scripture verses that speak to the theme of embracing our emotions before God. In the Bible, we see numerous examples of individuals pouring out their hearts to God in moments of distress. Psalm 62:8 says, "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." This verse reminds us that God is a safe place for us to bring our pain and sorrows.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 56:8, which says, "You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book?" This verse beautifully portrays God's compassion and care for us. He sees our tears, he knows our pain, and he collects our tears as a precious token of our vulnerability before him.

"Just Cry" by Mandisa is a song that resonates with anyone who has ever felt the need to hide their pain or put on a brave face. It encourages us to be real with ourselves and with God, to embrace our emotions, and to find comfort and solace in pouring out our hearts to him.

The song's heartfelt lyrics, combined with Mandisa's powerful vocals, create a moving and impactful experience. It reminds us that it's okay to not always be strong, that it's okay to cry, and that in our vulnerability, we can find healing and comfort in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father.

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by life's challenges, remember the message of "Just Cry" and allow yourself to be vulnerable before God. Pour out your heart, let your tears flow, and find solace in the knowledge that God sees your pain and is always there to comfort and heal you.
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