Back To You Lyrics Mandisa

Back To You by Mandisa

Back to you...

I could never say enough to thank You
For everything You’ve done for me
And I might think I could do enough to show You
But I know that’s just a crazy dream

This shouldn’t be complicated
This isn’t that hard to see
It’s not about what I do for You
It’s what You’ve done for me

You gave Your love, You gave Your life
You gave Your everything and I
Wanna give it all back
Give it all back to You
You took a heart so black and blue
And piece by piece You make it new
The only thing left, the only thing left to do
Is give it all back to You
Give it all back to You

I just want to be a life that You use
I want all of me to be all for You
And when I get it wrong You stick with me
Ain’t that the truth
It’s just what You do

This shouldn’t be complicated
This isn’t that hard to see
It’s not about what I do for You
It’s what You’ve done for me

You gave Your love, You gave Your life
You gave Your everything and I
Wanna give it all back
Give it all back to You
You took a heart so black and blue
And piece by piece You make it new
The only thing left, the only thing left to do
Is give it all back to You
Give it all back to You

I won’t forget what You did
How You died so I could live
I don’t deserve this kind of love
I’ll testify, testify how You gave Your life for mine
The only thing I know to do is give it all back to You

It’s not about what I do for You
It’s what You’ve done for me

You gave Your love, You gave Your life
You gave Your everything and I
Wanna give it all back
Give it all back to You
You took a heart so black and blue
And piece by piece You make it new
The only thing left, the only thing left to do
Is give it all back to You
Give it all back to You

Back To You Video

Back To You Info

"Back To You" is a powerful and uplifting song by Mandisa that speaks to the deep gratitude and desire to give back to God for His love and sacrifice. Mandisa's soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics convey the message of surrender and devotion to God.

The song begins with the acknowledgment that no words or actions can truly express the gratitude felt towards God for everything He has done. Mandisa recognizes that she may think she can do enough to show her appreciation, but she understands that it is ultimately a "crazy dream." This sentiment aligns with the scripture verse found in Ephesians 2:8-9, which reminds us that our salvation is a gift from God and not something we can earn through our own efforts.

Mandisa continues by emphasizing that this shouldn't be complicated and that it is not about what she can do for God, but rather what He has done for her. This echoes the message in Romans 5:8, which states, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." It is God's sacrificial love and grace that compels Mandisa to want to give her all back to Him.

Throughout the song, Mandisa expresses her desire to be a vessel for God's use and to have all of herself be dedicated to Him. She acknowledges that even when she gets things wrong, God remains faithful and sticks with her. This aligns with the promise found in Philippians 1:6, which states, "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." God's faithfulness and love motivate Mandisa to give her all back to Him.

The chorus of the song beautifully captures the essence of wanting to give everything back to God. Mandisa sings about how God took her broken and wounded heart and made it new, piece by piece. This imagery reflects the transformation and healing that comes from a relationship with God. It reminds us of the scripture verse in Ezekiel 36:26, which says, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."

In the bridge of the song, Mandisa declares that she won't forget what God has done and how He gave His life for hers. She acknowledges that she doesn't deserve such love, but she testifies to the incredible sacrifice that God made for her. This resonates with the scripture verse in Romans 5:6-8, which states, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

In conclusion, "Back To You" by Mandisa is a beautiful testament to the gratitude and devotion that comes from experiencing God's love and grace. The song draws inspiration from scripture verses that speak to God's sacrificial love, faithfulness, and transformational power. Through her heartfelt lyrics and soulful vocals, Mandisa invites listeners to reflect on their own relationship with God and to consider how they can give their all back to Him.
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