You'll Never Thirst Lyrics Juanita Bynum

You'll Never Thirst by Juanita Bynum

You'll never find her story in a fairy tale
'Cause she wasn't like the other women at the well
Her life was full of pain hurt rejection
And loneliness she didn't want to show
But Jesus saw the desert in her soul

Drink from this water, drink from this water
And you will never you'll never thirst again
Drink from this water, drink from this water
You will never you'll never thirst again


We all search for something to fill us up inside
But it's only an illusion you know a true love's hard to find
But I'm here to tell you there's one place
Your thirst is quenched for ever more
You will never leave empty disappointed
You will find what you are looking for

Drink from this water, drink from this water
And you will never you'll never thirst again
Drink from this water, drink from this water
You will never you'll never thirst again

And oh Jesus will meet you
At the place of every need
And only He can make the wounded whole
And make the blind man see

Drink from this water, drink from this water
And you will never you'll never thirst again
Drink from this water, drink from this water
You will never you'll never thirst again

Drink from this water, drink from this water
And you will never you'll never thirst again
Drink from this water, drink from this water
You will never you'll never thirst again

Ooh, ooh

You'll Never Thirst Video

You'll Never Thirst Info

"You'll Never Thirst" by Juanita Bynum is a beautiful and powerful song that speaks to the deep longing and thirst that we all have in our souls. The song captures the essence of the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, as told in the Bible, and applies it to our own lives.

The lyrics of the song remind us that we often search for fulfillment and satisfaction in various places, but we always come up empty. Just like the Samaritan woman, we may have experienced pain, hurt, rejection, and loneliness. We may have tried to fill the void in our hearts with worldly things, but they never truly satisfy.

The song brings to mind the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, as described in John 4:4-42. In this story, Jesus meets the woman at a well and asks her for a drink of water. Through their conversation, Jesus reveals that He is the living water, the one who can quench the deepest thirst of our souls.

The theme of thirst is central to this song, and it reflects the words of Jesus in John 6:35, where He declares, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst." Juanita Bynum beautifully captures the essence of this verse in her lyrics, reminding us that only Jesus can truly satisfy our thirst and fill the empty places in our hearts.

The song encourages us to drink from the water that Jesus offers, assuring us that if we do, we will never thirst again. It speaks to the longing in our souls for something more, something that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It reminds us that only He can bring true fulfillment, healing, and wholeness.

The imagery of water throughout the song is rich with symbolism. Water represents life, cleansing, and renewal. It speaks to our need for spiritual refreshment and restoration. The song reminds us that Jesus is the source of this living water, and if we drink from Him, we will never be thirsty again.

The song also emphasizes the grace and love of Jesus. It tells us that He sees the desert in our souls, our pain, and our brokenness, and He longs to quench our thirst and bring us into a place of wholeness. It reminds us that we can come to Him just as we are, with all our hurts and failures, and He will meet us there.

In conclusion, "You'll Never Thirst" by Juanita Bynum is a beautiful and powerful song that speaks to the deep longing and thirst in our souls. It reminds us of the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well and encourages us to drink from the living water that only He can provide. It reminds us that Jesus is the source of true fulfillment and satisfaction, and if we come to Him, we will never be thirsty again. May this song inspire us to seek Jesus, the living water, and find true satisfaction and fulfillment in Him.
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