On My Own Lyrics JJ Heller

On My Own by JJ Heller

Look away from me
'Cause I don't want you to see
My experimenting with what I know is empty
I am in so deep
That I've almost stopped breathing
I know I'm drowning

I am on my own
I want you to call me home

It seems too late to apologize
What I've done is done
And yet when I look in your eyes
I am overcome

Home is not as sweet as it used to be
And it's all because of me
Should I leave it be
Or can I be redeemed

On My Own Video

On My Own Info

On My Own by JJ Heller is a powerful and introspective song that resonates with anyone who has ever felt lost or disconnected. The lyrics paint a picture of someone who is struggling with their own choices and the consequences that come with them. It speaks to the deep longing for redemption and the desire to be brought back home.

The song starts off with the plea, "Look away from me, 'Cause I don't want you to see, My experimenting with what I know is empty." This line captures the essence of the song - the internal struggle of the narrator who knows deep down that their actions are leading them down a destructive path. They don't want anyone to witness their mistakes, but they also yearn for someone to call them back home.

In the next verse, Heller sings, "I am in so deep, That I've almost stopped breathing, I know I'm drowning." These lyrics beautifully illustrate the feeling of being overwhelmed by sin and the weight of our own choices. It's a vivid picture of someone who is gasping for air, desperately needing to be rescued.

The chorus of the song repeats the plea, "I am on my own, I want you to call me home." This cry for help is raw and vulnerable, expressing the deep desire to be brought back into the loving arms of God. It's a reminder that no matter how far we may drift, we are never truly alone, and there is always a way back to Him.

In exploring the meaning behind this song, it's important to look at the biblical themes that relate to its message. One verse that comes to mind is Luke 15:24, where Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son. In this story, a son squanders his inheritance and ends up in a desperate state. But when he returns home, his father rejoices and declares, "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." This parallels the plea for redemption in "On My Own," as the narrator longs to be found and brought back home.

Another verse that resonates is Psalm 51:10, which says, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." This verse speaks to the desire for transformation and renewal that is present in the song. It's a prayer for God to intervene and change the narrator's heart, to help them break free from the destructive patterns they've fallen into.

In conclusion, "On My Own" by JJ Heller is a deeply introspective and heartfelt song that captures the longing for redemption and the desire to be brought back home. Its honest lyrics and relatable themes make it a powerful and emotional piece. Through its exploration of sin, redemption, and the longing for a renewed heart, the song speaks to the universal human experience of feeling lost and disconnected. It reminds us that no matter how far we may drift, there is always hope for reconciliation and restoration.
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