Dream A Little Dream Of Me Lyrics JJ Heller

Dream A Little Dream Of Me by JJ Heller

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
"Dream a little dream of me"

Say, "nighty night," and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading, but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger 'til dawn, dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading, but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger 'til dawn, dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream
Just a little dream
Dream a little dream of me

Dream A Little Dream Of Me Video

Dream A Little Dream Of Me Info

"Dream A Little Dream Of Me" is a beautiful song by JJ Heller that captures the essence of longing and love. With her gentle and soothing voice, Heller invites us into a dream-like state where we can escape the worries of the world and find solace in the arms of someone we love.

The lyrics of the song paint a picture of a peaceful night, with stars shining bright above and night breezes whispering declarations of love. It speaks of the desire to be held tight and to be missed by the one we cherish. The words create a sense of vulnerability and longing, as if the singer is yearning for a connection that transcends the physical realm.

One scripture verse that comes to mind when listening to this song is Psalm 37:4, which says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." While the song may be about a romantic love, it also reflects the longing that we all have to be loved and cherished. When we find our delight in the Lord, He can fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts, including the desire for love and connection.

Another verse that relates to the theme of the song is Psalm 63:6-8, which says, "On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me." This verse speaks of finding comfort and peace in God's presence, even in the stillness of the night. It reminds us that we can turn to God in our moments of longing and He will provide solace and strength.

The song "Dream A Little Dream Of Me" also reminds us of the power of dreams and the importance of holding on to hope. In the Bible, dreams are often used as a means of communication from God. Joseph, for example, had dreams that played a significant role in his life and the lives of those around him. Dreams can be seen as a way for God to reveal His plans and purposes to us.

In addition to the meaningful lyrics, JJ Heller's rendition of this song adds a layer of warmth and sincerity. Her delicate vocals and the soft acoustic arrangement create a soothing atmosphere that invites the listener to enter into a dream-like state. The song is a gentle reminder to let go of our worries and fears, and to surrender ourselves to the comfort and peace that can be found in dreaming and in the arms of those we love.

Overall, "Dream A Little Dream Of Me" by JJ Heller is a beautiful song that speaks to the universal longing for love and connection. It reminds us of the importance of finding solace in God's presence and holding on to hope. Through her heartfelt rendition, Heller invites us to dream, to love, and to find peace in the midst of life's uncertainties.
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