A virgin cried when You were born
Tears of joy and tears of pain
As Heaven's angels watched in wonder
How could You, the Ancient One
In the frame of man be bound
Lying there with feet and hands
Fully God and fully Man
Who could see and who could know
You had left Your Kingdom's Throne
Baby crying in a manger?
You had come to give Your life
As a holy sacrifice
Nails would pierce your feet and hands
For every heart and every man
Holy Lamb of God, how we love You
Shepherd of our hearts, how we praise You
We were blind and lost, but You came to rescue us
And we thank You, Holy Lamb of God
Now You are the risen One
All You came to do You've done
On this Christmas, we remember
How Love came down to set us free
From our sin and from our fear
Lord of all we bow our hearts
To the wonder that You are
And we thank You Holy Lamb of God
Yes, we thank You Holy Lamb of God
"Holy Lamb of God" is a beautiful and powerful song by Don Moen that captures the essence of the Christmas story and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice. It is a song that resonates with believers and reminds us of the love and grace that Jesus displayed by coming to earth as a baby and ultimately giving His life for our salvation.
The lyrics of "Holy Lamb of God" evoke a sense of awe and wonder as we reflect on the birth of Jesus and His purpose in coming to earth. The song begins by describing the scene of Jesus' birth, with a virgin crying tears of joy and pain. This is a reference to Mary, who experienced both joy at the miraculous birth of her son and the pain of knowing the sacrifice He would make.
The song goes on to highlight the dichotomy of Jesus being fully God and fully man. It marvels at the fact that the Ancient One, the Creator of the universe, would humble Himself to be born as a human baby. It is a reminder that Jesus, in His humanity, experienced all the joys and sorrows of life, just like we do.
As the song progresses, it alludes to the future events of Jesus' crucifixion. The line "Nails would pierce your feet and hands" is a vivid image of the suffering Jesus would endure on the cross. It emphasizes the depth of His love for humanity, as He willingly laid down His life to save us from our sins.
The chorus of the song is a heartfelt expression of love and gratitude towards Jesus. The words "Holy Lamb of God, how we love You, Shepherd of our hearts, how we praise You" convey the adoration and reverence we have for Jesus. It acknowledges Him as the one who rescues us from our sin and gives us hope.
"Holy Lamb of God" is not only a beautiful song, but it also has a strong biblical foundation. The theme of Jesus as the Lamb of God is referenced in several scriptures throughout the Bible. One such verse is John 1:29, where John the Baptist sees Jesus and declares, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" This verse affirms Jesus' role as the sacrificial Lamb who takes away our sins through His death and resurrection.
Another scripture that relates to the theme of the song is Isaiah 53:7, which prophesies about Jesus' suffering and sacrifice. It says, "He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so He opened not His mouth." This verse portrays Jesus as the innocent Lamb who willingly submits to His crucifixion for our redemption.
In conclusion, "Holy Lamb of God" is a beautiful and impactful song that captures the heart of the Christmas story and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice. Through its lyrics, it reminds us of the love and grace that Jesus displayed by humbling Himself to be born as a baby and ultimately giving His life for our salvation. It draws on biblical themes of Jesus as the Lamb of God and references scriptures that reinforce the message of the song. "Holy Lamb of God" is a powerful reminder of the depth of Jesus' love for us and a call to worship and praise Him for His sacrifice.