Who Am I? Lyrics Da' T.R.U.T.H.

Who Am I? by Da' T.R.U.T.H.

Tye Tribbet!
Just Clap your hands!
A Hole in one

If the bible was re-written and the writers put me in it
I wonder how my life would read?
Would the people that have heard of me read just to learn of me be turned away by what they see?
Or would they slump in their sofas blown away and sober by my life... didn't come to believe
Or would they do a once over read the pages of my life, and once it's over, close the book and say that's not how I want to be!


And that's a sad commentary when I'm buried under the public to see
But I pray they remember me for
Walking in integrity being what God called me to be.
And if I leave an impression man I hope that I impress them with a life that was clean and free

And I pray that it's not embarrasing when they read my narrative once I finally do leave.

Let's Go!

Who am I?
Am I more like Cain full of hatred to my brother to slain?
Who am I?
Or am I more like Jezebel sexual in all my ways?
(Think about it)
Who am I?
Or am I more like Mary pure and holy 'till I lay in the grave?
Who am I?
Or am I more like Abel, able to please God with my ways?
(Think about it)

If the book was re-written and the writers put me in it what would they say about my private life?

Would they say that my commitment to the ministry was strong but that I never spend time with my wife?

What would they say about my character?
Would they say that I was arrogant, an American full of myself?

How would they write about my parenting?
Would they say while traveling, I put my children up on the shelf?
Would it be positive or negative if everything I ever did was charted down and read by all?
Not only the stuff you could see on the surface but the stuff that was done in the dark?

Well if the boys could talk when the doors was locked would they say that I was off the chain or would it be the complete opposite would they say that my public and private life were all the same?

Who am I?
Am I more like Cain full of hatred to my brother to slain?
Who am I?
Or am I more like Jezebel sexual in all my ways?
(Think about it)
Who am I?
Or am I more like Mary pure and holy 'till I lay in the grave?
Who am I?
Or am I more like Abel, able to please God with my ways?
(Think about it)

If the book was re-written and the writers put me in who would they say that I resemble the most?

Would it be Joseph or Sampson both of 'em handsome only one of 'em was a symbol of hope.

Or would I be listed among the greats mentioned among the saints in the hall of fame?

Would I'd have to be stripped of this running the base a product of my own mistakes?
Now I know it's not possible but if the book was re-written man I wonder how my life would read.

From 2 years old till my funeral would I fail or would I succeed?
Cause when they write my biography what would they recall about the life and times about the man it means a lot to me!
Cause in the story I leave 'em I am either God's leader or a picture of what not to be.

Who am I?
Am I more like Cain full of hatred to my brother to slain?
Who am I?
Or am I more like Jezebel sexual in all my ways?
(Think about it)
Who am I?
Or am I more like Mary pure and holy 'till I lay in the grave?
Who am I?
Or am I more like Abel, able to please God with my ways?
(Think about it)

Who Am I? Video

Who Am I? Info

"Who Am I?" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. is a thought-provoking and introspective song that delves into the concept of identity and self-reflection. The lyrics invite listeners to contemplate who they truly are and how their lives would be perceived if they were written about in the context of scripture.

The song begins with the artist pondering what his life would look like if it were written in the Bible. He questions whether people would be turned away by what they see or be inspired by his faith and integrity. This introspective theme sets the tone for the rest of the song.

Throughout the song, Da' T.R.U.T.H. references various biblical characters to highlight different aspects of human nature. He asks whether he is more like Cain, filled with hatred and capable of harming his own brother, or more like Jezebel, indulging in sexual immorality. These references serve as cautionary tales and prompt listeners to evaluate their own actions and behaviors.

The artist also mentions Mary, portraying her as pure and holy until her death. This contrasts with the negative examples of Cain and Jezebel, emphasizing the importance of living a righteous and virtuous life. Da' T.R.U.T.H. presents Mary as an ideal to aspire to, someone who pleased God with her ways.

The song further explores the dichotomy between one's public and private life. Da' T.R.U.T.H. questions whether his commitment to ministry has overshadowed his relationship with his family. This introspection highlights the importance of balancing one's personal and professional life and prioritizing meaningful connections.

The lyrics also delve into the notion of character and how it is perceived by others. Da' T.R.U.T.H. wonders how he would be remembered and how his actions would be judged if everything he did was recorded and read by all. This introspection challenges listeners to reflect on their own character and consider how they want to be remembered.

The overarching message of the song is the desire to leave a positive legacy. Da' T.R.U.T.H. expresses a hope that his life would be an inspiration to others, a life that is clean and free from hypocrisy. He emphasizes the need to please God with one's ways, drawing parallels to Abel, who was renowned for his righteousness.

The song "Who Am I?" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. encourages self-reflection and introspection. It serves as a reminder to evaluate one's actions, character, and the impact they have on others. The references to biblical characters provide relatable examples and highlight the importance of living a righteous and virtuous life.

In conclusion, "Who Am I?" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. is a powerful and thought-provoking song that explores the concept of identity and self-reflection. Through introspective lyrics and references to biblical characters, the artist prompts listeners to evaluate their own actions, character, and legacy. The song serves as a reminder to strive for righteousness and to leave a positive impact on others.
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